When will we get Reagan kino?

When will we get Reagan kino?

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>dude amnesty lmao

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A man of good intentions but his ultimate boomer ignorance cost this country dearly and has resulted in the decline of US superiority.

>Lowers taxes
>Still keeps federal spending high
God damn it

>collapses the middle class
>boosts deficit
>opens borders, markets, etc
Why do right wingers simp for this? Literally the worst of both world

we need a movie about his administration conducting an illegal war with the aid of drug cartels

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Son, there's not a challenge on God's Earth that can't be overcome by an American. I truly believe that.

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Actual right wingers dont. Boomer "patriots" do

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INCREASED military spending while cutting revenue
Because the business interests they are brainwashed to support benefited

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>good intentions
oh fuck off
evangelical autism simps in the minds of 40 year old anglos who spent the 60s being degenerate shits who now need to 'atone' by throwing everyone else under the bus

Reagan was probably the best president of our time. There's no argument there.

Already have RR kino

>illegal war
No that was based, fuck commies

Son, Reagan was not a boomer.

You think Ronald Reagan intended to fuck things up for everyone? His best interests were always in American exceptionalism, he thought he could fix the world and make America the number one superpower forever, but his administration ultimately created a domino of incompetence due to their actions.

>he's still falling for the capitalist vs commie meme

lmao the freemasons are laughing at your npc ass

pitiable mkultra victim you are

Thats like winning a gold medal at the special olympics

Friendly reminder that this piece of shit killed the best state in the country so his corporate butt buddies could benefit from cheap mexican labor. Orange and San Diego counties used to be paradise.
Spend one week in LA and you'll think otherwise. Dumbass boomer.

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Not a literal boomer, but the ultimate boomer mindset. Boomer is a state of mind. Like how you can call an old movie Reddit despite Reddit not existing then.

motherfucker he was a new deal democrat in the 40s
reagan jumped though ideologies like hot dog water. he spent the late 70s arguing with H.W before teaming up.
Reagan had no 'grand plan' he was a shallow parasite movie star degenerate who gave in to whatever creepy yale fuck wanted to turn american institutions into a fucking play doh printer

we need a JFK kino not reagan. reagan is a faggot