TNG Movies

Are they kino?

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I remember going to see Generations and First Contact at the movies and those were good

First contact is the best star Trek movie period

Compared to the garbage they're making today? Absolutely.

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i think i like insurrection the best. because its basically a tng episdode. contact is overrated but some kino vulcan scenes at the end.

generations is really dated and nemesis I pretend doesnt exist

I liked First Contact though not as much as a lot of ST spergs do, and I really liked Nemesis though I'm one of about 4 people who did. The other two were hot trash.

Nice seeing Kirk and TNG together but the plot is batshit dumb and full of holes.
>First Contact
Genuinely entertaining, action movie Picard gets a small pass here. Still more of a popcorn movie than TNG.
More action Picard and plays out like a crappy TNG episode. Mediocre.
Nice seeing Romulans instead of Klingons but they hired a writer that didn't understand Star Trek at all and he tried to plagiarize Wrath of Khan. Worst TNG movie.

wtf, where's the diversity?

Generations and FC are at least like about something you'd want to make a movie about, maybe moreso FC.

Insurrection just feels like a decent episode..? like it doesn't need to exist. and Nemesis is just a bunch of data wank nonsense.

FC really is the best one, you got your borg, your time travel, you get to see earth in a weird point in history. it's pretty cool.

first contact has an annoying black girl who ruins the movie

Not better than Galaxy Quest

They are generally quite bad and all share the same problem. They are all Picard and Data shows, they all try to turn Picard into an action hero and they all fail at it.

I do like the space battle in Nemesis. You really get a sense that the ships are big. None of this zooming around like fighter aircraft you got from some ships in DS9.

first contact is the only really okay one,

first contact > generations > insurrection >>>>>> literally anything > Nemesis

I think Kirk's death was perfect. And his last words... absolutely kino

No. Only Generations.

hold that thought Bill, I'm going to shake some champagne on these supermodels

Insurrection is a TNG 2-parter, First Contact is the best one
Generations is a fine capstone to the TNG series but they handled Kirk like garbage.
Nemesis was unironically competing with Attack of the Clones.

as mediocre as Insurrection is, it's OG poster was fucking cool.

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I still cant believe they put shots in the movie that still have a bluescreen and they just pretended like it was supposed to be that way.

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no question, there are some talented artists surrounding these projects

Nothing is better than galaxy quest