instantly dropped

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So tired of them.

It's historically accurate though.

Attached: correlation equals causation.png (9069x3192, 2.58M)

Oh man if that map is true, it's truly depressing... and disappointing. I thought California was better than this. Note to self: if ever fly to the US, don't go anywhere south or west of New York

knights templar were proto freemasons. most were executed for heresy

>I thought California was better than this.
you realize they're majority hispanic right

The show is based, it shows that knights templar really were demons in human flesh


>Oh man if that map is true, it's truly depressing... and disappointing. I thought California was better than this. Note to self: if ever fly to the US, don't go anywhere south or west of New York

Attached: jew_scope_atheism.png (888x648, 634.61K)

The founding fathers also wore wigs made out of horse hair, and wooden teeth. I'd hope we advanced somewhat from the 18th fucking century

You do realize I'm that picture is a RELIGIOUS Jew right? How fucking stupid are you?

Religion literally keeps societies from imploding. Fucking boomer tier mentality. We went from a sane, mostly homogenous white country with hard working people and moral in the 50's and after the 60's when boomers abandoned God and nation for sex and hedonism and shitty music everything went downhill.

Attached: FT_16.02.22_religionPoliticalAffiliation_640px1.png (640x926, 81.92K)

You think it matters to them?

Attached: jews_islamization.jpg (1024x1024, 295.95K)

>implying jews can't push atheism for one nation while holding onto their own
>implying judaism isn't a religion based on worshipping their race
not him, but you're a moron.

Freemasons hate the Templars. Walter Scott waa a freemason who wrote Ivanhoe to slander them as evil anti-semites

Oh yes, the wonderful "music" that was before the 60's. Fucking retarded C&W for fucking retarded people.

You really wanna go back to drone-land 50's eh?

Based Armenia

He says as he lives in NPC land

Kys and find out

>dodges statement and focuses on one part instead of addressing the rest
We are a imploding empire rife with fatherless homes, ethnic tribalism, and debt but OH NO MUH JOHN LENNON literally arguing with a boomer on Any Forums anons

Man i remember when Any Forums used to be cool, before Christfags took over

Jesus loves you

Attached: atheist-eat.gif (498x526, 1.96M)

>Stop noticing thing and go back to being retarded 2000's libertarians.

Why are freemasons such bad liars?

Religiousness in godless hell societies in inevitable midwit. strong men, good times, weak men, hard times. Religious people tend to have better morals and create high trust societies. High trust societies create wealth. Wealth corrupts and makes people lazy and degenerate. Those people collapse society and desparation creates faith


Have you ever considered that you don't NEED religion to be good, you can just be good for goodness sake, and because you value yourself and others?

"Don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you" very simple. Why do you need a fucking mystic bullshit to just not be an asshole?

This isn't about religion vs atheism btw, this is about you thinking that without religion there can be no morality, which is just plain false.

All lies made up by Philippe IV le Bel, who coincidentally owed them a lot of money.

Define "good".

Dude, if you need the fear of god to be moral, you are not a moral man

>Have you ever considered that you don't NEED religion to be good
empty platitude. There is no goodness is a godless material system. Freewill doesn't exist without the soul. also your worldview failed. Look around you, secualrism leads to open borders, hedonism, and divorce. Broken children and ethnic conflict. You're selfish, stop lying to yourself

Any and all attempts at creating secular morality have only lead to moral decline and demographic collapse.

There is no morality without a metaphysical arbiter. DUDE JUST BE NICE look at modern society. 60 decades without a strong moral structure killed this country. delusional, literally magical thinking

Most of the founding fathers were deists.

I just told you - not doing to others what you don't want to be done to you. In other words - compassion. It's not such a far-fetched concept

Well, you seem to be racist, which isn't very Christian

No, most of them were christians. Even the deists largely respected christianity and understood it was needed for society. The whole MUH deist ff is largely historical revisionism. also, DEISM is not ATHEISM. Still implies God. still implies moral authority.

A freemason pipe dream. We live in the poison fallout of the enlightenment project which God has allowed to unravel as punishment for our hubris.

Attached: christian_identity.png (460x842, 205.15K)

For real? You are pro-religious and accuse ME of "magical thinking"?

Attached: C527095A-E9BA-4E16-B5FE-4334B21EC796.gif (389x259, 992.12K)

You're wrong, Jesus christ called the phonecian woman a dog. The old testament has God splitting people up to create nations, the tower of babel is seen as evil. What happens in revelations? The antichrist creates a one world goverment. IE multiculturalism. Which ends with the final battle and God giving nations their sovereignty IE separating them again. Mutiple punishments in the bible talk about being ruled by foreigners and being invaded by people who aren't of your nation. God also commanded the genocide of certain cannaite tribes.

So you like Christianity because of your racism?

Thinking that morality magically exists when scientifically in a material system we are nothing but meat robots is literally more faith based then believing in a deity.

So, you agree with Jesus that non-Jews are "dogs"? This just gets better and better

>delusional, literally magical thinking
the complete lack of self awareness of christcucks never fails to amuse