Master of horror Stephen King:

Master of horror Stephen King:
>the scariest female villain in the history of film!
Kino king me:
>she cute

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I liked when she(?) impressed the nail gun merchant with her nail gun knowledge.
Poor guy had no idea what she(?!) actually did for a living.

Remember when she was on that Anthony Bourdain show and promoted her dildo company?


my 2nd biggest fetish is probably to fuck lesbian girls who still havent had dick in all of their life.

She is definitely a girl, the show has her wearing some pink shit in a scene.

I could fix her with my white dick....

>locked up
>gets out, does the wire
>few years later hoards a bunch of heroine
>locked up again?

too much of a genuine article.

That’s why she’s based. Like Paulie on Sopranos.

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She could easily pass as a man

And your ass could pass as a girl shit nigga

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The best part is when she sold homemade dildos in prison.

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>Master of horror Stephen King
is the most boring chud imaginable, amerifatts can't into horror

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My girlfriend thought she was one and that she was hot.

Whos yer choice laddie?

The Wire used to be on Monday night at 11:30. When I started watching it it was season 3 or 4. I thought Snoop was just a manlet until years later when I decided to watch the whole show. If it wasn't for the drive-by on the motorbike I would still think it was a dude. Even after that scene I still had to Google to clarify.

Attached: 8uck 8reaker.jpg (1280x720, 63.33K)

until her death i though it was a man

I think she's in jail for smuggling heroine or something like that.

king user said YES to TRANS RIGHTS