It's crazy how basic and pedestrian his tastes in movies are for someone who's whole career is movies

It's crazy how basic and pedestrian his tastes in movies are for someone who's whole career is movies.

Attached: James-Rolfe-Net-Worth[1].jpg (1280x682, 149.43K)

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the only thing I've seen of this guy was his Kill Bill edit, was that a parody? cause his ideas were fucking awful

>Said The Godfather 2 is shit
Any faith I had in him went right out the window that moment

most of his career is in vidya but sure whatever

He has mostly good taste in classic sci fi and monster movies except for being a total nostalgiafag and automatically liking the originals more than the remakes even if they're better. It's always the same: "both are great but the original is about more than special effects and has better characters"

>liking the originals more than the remakes even if they're better
Which ones are you talking about?

his passion is actually in film. avgn was never actually supposed to go on longer than like three episodes but it ended up becoming his job

leave James alone for one fucking day

He said it’s shit? That doesn’t sound like bimmy. He would have a more nuanced opinion of it even if he doesn’t like it.

James doesn't even like film as a whole; he specifically only cares for old low budget b-horror movies. That's why all of his film projects are like that. People have pointed out that he's used the "inanimate object comes to life and tries to kill people" plot many times.

fuck off retard james literaly went to film school, he knows what hes talking about better than retards on a website or high school diploma tarantino.

The guy is a complete fuckin retard and embarrassment

Um… Tarantino dropped out of high school at 16. But he still is better at filmmaking than James.

>James doesn't even like film as a whole; he specifically only cares for old low budget b-horror movies
>That's why all of his film projects are like that.
ah yes, AVGN the low budget b-horror movie

He is a faggot.

that.... proves my point
Tarantino is a footfag who wished he was a nigger
James is a proud Italian who invented indie movies

The Day the Earth Stood Still, The War of the Worlds, Invaders from Mars, The Blob, The Thing, The Fly, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I agree with him regarding the first three but his arguments are always the same even if they don't apply to every remake. So the story is told best and characters are better in all of the 50s original according to him. I don't know if he's aware of what's the general opinion about these movies. About John Carpenter's The Thing he said "At first you may find yourself bored but on further viewings you will find it enjoyable in its own right." It's strange that he doesn't seem to be aware of it. In another video he tried to recommend the best movies for each of the classic monsters from an objective perspective not just wha's his personal favorite. But he couldn't even do that so he chose Son of Frankenstein over Bride of Frankenstein. He did the same for his top 10 and in this video at the beginning.

Of course. How could I forget?

Attached: 60710B5F-4697-4F4F-88C7-E53F13FFA4D2.jpg (480x360, 14.35K)

>what is The Head Returns
>what is Dream Phone
>what is numerous episodes of AVGN

Wow a picture. I'm glad you remembered it then.

Besides a handful of strange decisions his top 10s for each era were generally solid. His five Godzilla movies for beginners were more questionable though. More like 2/5 correct.

Mmm yea the woofman is cool I wonder how he poops yeah

Honestly I just wanted to see if The Fly was in there.
Can you really call a film a remake if it doesn't have the same story or characters as the original?

That's the drawback of being a manchild, all your favorite things in life are from 1989

he's the last generation of boomers
of course his takes are dated

He has put some of that in some of the AVGN episodes like friday the 13th, nightmare on elm street, super mario 3, and polybius. It’s obviously supposed to be comedic for the most part but that’s how B horror movies are.