Green room

did anyone else feel satisfied when all the nazi's got shot in the end?

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>green room
imogen the poots

Hollywood’s depictions of modern Nazis always cracks me up. It’s either brutish violent men without empathy or it’s the dumb redneck missing teeth flying the flag of the confederacy. If this is how they depict their enemy to attempt to sway you away from the far right just imagine how scared they are of the real Nazis and far right dissidents. Want another red pill? Hollywoods depiction of them Morris the Democrats perception of the American working class. They are either scared of them (brutes) or they think they are incredibly stupid (redneck). Really makes you wonder

Mirrors not fucking Morris yes im phone posting

jesus christ stop shitposting already

i always feel good about Nazis dying


it’s a good and well made movie and you automatically see the Neo Nazis as the villains, allthough their ideology is largely correct and naturally you should side with them. Thus the ending is quite satisfying.
Vert impressive how that movie manipulates you

aww if poorly little neo nazi butt hurt again? just kys. die nazi scum. you're sub-human.

i have no sympathy towards nazi sub humans

Did Anton Yelchin die the most embarrassing celebrity death since David Carradine?
I can't think of any others as humiliating.

at least he died killing nazis

everything i said is correct faggot. stay mad that you can't downvote here

s o y

obese nazi

Kai Lennox is a national treasure.

Unironically do nazis even still exist? I know that there’s a few glowies larping as them to shut down protests and larping shitposters, but TV would have you think they’re 25% of the population. Is at all just a Jewish meme?

good point and saved

he died being a dying jew

Dude, if you believe all the stuff on Schoolhouse Rock and that America isn't racist and horrible and built solely for white people who are now a threat since they're losing control, then you're a Nazi. That is literally their definition. It is also the government's definition.

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Oh so another word they’ve deflated the meaning out of.

There are a few Nazi holdouts left in Brazil from the few that escaped Germany and the Nuremburg Trials, but other than that no, shit I've met people who call themselves white supremacists who live in mexican neighborhoods and are friends with minorities.

Are you faggots pretending the tiki torch march did not happen?

>a few glowies came out to discredit a legit protest
Pretty much forgot about it yeah.

Them being Nazis is almost secondary to the film's conflict. The issue is that they're violent criminals who kill a girl and the band sees it as they're leaving. Prior to that they're more cordial to the band than you'd expect given they played a song insulting the entire bar.

>cares what Jews think about him

It also adds to the realism since touring as a punk band (or metal band for that matter) you will regularly run into skinhead/nazi-types who act exactly like those people in the film.

Yes. Also Imogen Poots is cute

Don’t bother. Faggot needs his little aw ha moment to make himself feel special.

The scene where Anton Yelchin gets his wrist sliced up haunts me to this day. Incredible film
