Give it to me straight what episodes from season should i skip?

give it to me straight what episodes from season should i skip?
dont give me that "watch it all" bullcrap just give me the list of crap episodes in season 2.

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Watch it all

only the last one

watch it all

on your first watch you can skip episodes on season 2 when you get bored and watch the last few (dont know which exactly)
they are all good though but you might not be ready for them yet

david lynch is trash except for the elephant man

Wash it all

ah pretentious faggot user with shit opinion has entered the thread

fuckoff. i dont wanna waste my time.
apparently half of season 2 is utter shit. and it has 24 fucking episodes which means ill be wasting 10 plus hours of my time. now list the skippable episodes or fuck off.

After the person who kind of killed her is revealed you can skip until the last episode of season 2 and pick up from there.

All or nothing at all

dont skip any episodes?
if you dont actually like the show, then dont watch it moron. if you consider it a chore to sit through, then dont sit through it.

You sound like a retarded faggot who doesn’t know anything about twin peaks

Arbitrary Law(17th episode overall, 16th excluding the pilot, or S2E9) is the cap on the first good batch of episodes. After that it's a little spotty until the last three or four when the black lodge comes into play, though if you are a true head, you can get into those episodes as well. Liberal use of fast forward will reward you.

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>apparently half of season 2 is utter shit
whoever told you this is wrong.
and then windom earle and annie make no fuckin sense, nor caroline's appearance. the whole parallel between the situation with windom and annie and the situation with laura and her killer is made void.

Skip everything past the opening two lmao

>You sound like a retarded faggot who doesn’t know anything about twin peaks
LOL, says the guy who hasn't watched the fucking show and just decided without reason to skip a bunch of episodes.

i rewatch the show about once year for the last 5 or 6 years, and never skip anything.

just skip the james scenes. literally every time he appears on camera, fast forward until he's gone. everything else is watchable

This tbqh

were you dropped on your head as babies?

the last episode is the best of the original run of the show

what? the james plotline is interminable and has nothing to do with the rest of the story. i'm not the idiot saying to skip everything past the first two episodes.

If you skip the James scenes you'll miss out on the James kino in S3.

>has nothing to do with the rest of the story
what's "the story"? solving the murder of laura palmer? because to me, that's just a part of the show, frankly.

Lynch and Frost always intended the murder of Laura to be simply a pretense for telling a bunch of otherwise unconnected stories.

Watch it all. It's not like you have friends to go hang out with instead

You're a faggot shutin loner you literally have nothing else to do in your sad life

what part of his s3 plot has to do with the snoozefest in s2?

lynch had nothing to do with those episodes, and unlike some of the other goofy but fun plots in s2, the "unconnected" james story is a complete and total waste of time.

The pretentious ones are you lynch fags