The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli

The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.

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someday i'll visit new york city and visit a jewish-style deli. i'll order the jewiest things: lox, schmear, schmaltz, pork chop, etc.

for what purpose?

I moved away from the northeast and I miss Jewish delis. I'd even settle for a Polish deli. Nothing like a hot pastrami in winter.


>*walks towards bathroom*
>"To give the Covenant back their bomb."

you've never wanted to larp as a jew for a day?

Putin pays me to larp as a jew daily

based halo 2 referencer

>pork chop
It's extra for goyim

Just act like a whiny cunt with a victim complex, you can do the same acting like a negro

Aren't those extremely similar? The Jewish culture in NYC was founded by mostly Polish and Ukrainian descended Jews, I'd imagine they ate a lot of the same things as regular Polish people.

>tfw you'll never live in Giuliani's New York.

Attached: intro-1504276169.jpg (780x439, 58.32K)

Wait, are you saying Jews are white?

why the fuck would you want to?

Order lobster bisque

Huh, why would I want to live in THE American metropolis' most recent era of peace and prosperity?

Attached: NYC_murders2.jpg (1400x788, 82.05K)

yeah, they're basically the same thing
his crack down on crime is probably the most effective crime reduction strategy ever implemented

Jewish culture has some good aspects. The food is exotic yet good. It's a shame that modern Jews are mostly the Synagogue of Satan.

This. Guiliani basically ended street crime in New York. 95% of the murders were domestic disputes.

i mean i get that you would want to witness the WTC get planed, but come on man that's taking it a bit far

Im saying that Jewish culture in NYC came from Jews descended from eastern Europe, meaning that many aspects of eastern European cuisines are going to be similar to what people in NYC call Jewish cuisine.

Living in pre-9/11 NYC would be kino

When in Rome