ITT: Films that completely shift tone at the halfway point

ITT: Films that completely shift tone at the halfway point

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Every one I’ve watched this movie with either loves or hates the shift, it never found this with any other movie.

Is there a story behind the writing of this? bc it basically just feels like 2 movies.

Boogie Nights is an easy one. Also that one Nick Cage movie that was livestreamed, think it was called Bring Out Your Dead?

Generally accepted meme is that Tarantino wrote the first half and Kurtzman/Rodriguez the second. I don't give a shit if it's true. But this is what feels like.

Absolutely loved the shift from jokes to serious, a lot of critics and people I've talked to did not. Pure Kino

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The Birds

I'm convinced the title was a double entendre intended to trick at least somebody into thinking it was in fact the romantic screwball comedy that it plays out as during the first half. Birds meaning women.

I really disliked it; it's not the sudden supernatural element, that's fine - the buildup is executed really well! - but how goofy it becomes once the vampires reveal themselves.

>tarantino feet fantasy
>vampire killing
checks out

did he say 'help us' though?

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he definitely mouthed something.

It was supposed to be the third Tales from the Crypt film.

>starts out as escape from new york
>then goes dawn of the dead
>then aliens
>mad max is next
>goes medieval
>and we're back to the road warrior for the finale

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back in the golden era of Any Forums I made a chart for those kind of movies, I called it - "esentially cut in two halfes"

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Man I liked this movie, it's no where near perfect but I love the premise

you have the version for humans as well?

not really, I guess on an old computer somewhere. But I assume its in the /film/-chart mega-archive

Has full metal jacket lost popularity in the last decade or two? I'd have thought it would be example #1 for this kind of thread

fug I wanna see this chart.

1: Full Metal jacket
5: Conan?
6: Evil Dead 2
9: From Dusk till Dawn.
12: Mad Max?

12 is death proof

obvious example

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it's not exactly a good chart so what's the point. and if you can't guess at least 10 of the films in it, then you should rather watch more movies mate, that is way better

fmj, lost highway, psycho, ???, rambo 2?, evil dead 2, a history of violence, predator, from dusk til dawn, silent night deadly night part 2, ??? death proof, ilsa (why is this one there?), ???, ???, ???

weird flex but oke. Seems more about being able to recognize posters, not films.

the rest are
>la casa en la sombra
>wolf creek
>spiritual kung fu
>the mirror (jafar)
>melinda and melinda

Must watches in that chart if you haven't seen them but want to experience the feeling OP mentions:

1. FMJ
2. Lost Highway
3. Psycho
4. From Dusk till Dawn
5. Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2
6. Predator
7. Death Proof
the rest idk

most of the charts I made back then were made as a joke and filled with odd choices to compel anons to watch bad movies so don't take it seriously