The Book of Boba Fett S2 & The Mandalorian
> Drop Robert Rodriguez & get stronger action directors/fight choreographers.
> Do a extended serious toned True Detective type of story with Boba hunting down a mysterious bounty who got away long ago with heavy flashbacks to his prime, have a different slimmer actor in the classic suit to get the look right & he keeps the helmet on for almost the entirety of that time frame. In both periods Boba is shown to be more badass than he was in S1. In the past he is outright menacing & Terminator/slasher like.
> Show the expanse of Jabba's empire to get us the fuck out of the sand for a while.

Rogue Squadron
> Is nearly as serious toned as Rogue One.
> Chris Pine & Gal Gadot do not star in it as has been rumored.

Other movies & live action series
> Do a Luke movie or series, rectify Luke's image post Last Jedi. Jump back & forth between CGI post Rotj Luke & Pre-TFA Hamill. Show him happily training kids &/or Grogu, going out & doing various peace keeping missions around the galaxy, some that he handles with diplomacy & some that require his saber. Show more of the republic that JJ denied us, actually show us what our heroes created after the original trilogy.

> Rian Johnson's trilogy is scrapped forever.

> Taika Waititi's film is scrapped.

> The Russo Brothers direct future films in the franchise?

> Antje Traue as a villain? A lead villain ideally & a sexualized Sith or Nightsister ideally.

Comics & Novels

> Count Dooku get novels by James Luceno (tarkin) or Timothy Zahn (thrawn).

> Count Dooku, Zorii Bliss, Jango &/or Boba Fett get comic series ideally with art fully by Marco Checchetto or Lee Bermejo.

> Rey gets a post Tros ongoing comic written by Jonathan Hickman? Ron Marz? Someone who isn't a sjw/woke type.

> Quality adaptation of the Duel of the Fates script with a great artist.

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> Maybe a post-Rotj Luke series that is fully CGI 3D animated like the Old Republic cinematic trailers? (if resident evil can afford such Disney sure as hell can)

> Do some adaptations of Legends material like Dark Empire?

> In Visions or elsewhere I would like to see some anime series/films with a art style similar to the Deadshot sequence of Batman Gotham Knight or the X-Men anime.

Og OT is restored.
Everything else is decanonized and ignored, since it's shit.
Nothing more is done with it and the trilogy is left in the past, since it was never meant to be a shitty generational franchise and can't stop getting worse.

That's it

anyone who wants any more of Disney's Star Wars is either a paid shill or such a braindead zoom fuckup that they're probably posting from their assisted living ipad with a big button you can press to call in the carer when you shit yourself.

SHADOW OF THE EMPIRE and get george back to direct.

>> Do a Luke movie or series, rectify Luke's image post Last Jedi. Jump back & forth between CGI post Rotj Luke & Pre-TFA Hamill. Show him happily training kids &/or Grogu, going out & doing various peace keeping missions around the galaxy, some that he handles with diplomacy & some that require his saber. Show more of the republic that JJ denied us, actually show us what our heroes created after the original trilogy.
This sounds boring as fuck and completely unnecessary

>> Rian Johnson's trilogy is scrapped forever.
Ok you're clearly a retard

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Rian Johnson, Kathleen Kennedy, Robert Rodreguiz, Filoni and Favreau are executed by firing squad on live television

Disney goes bankrupt and gives the rights back to Lucas
Lucas declares everything outside of 1-6 and the 2D cartoon show non-canon and begins work on episode 7

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All I want is Disney losing rights to Star Wars.

They have proven themselves capable with Marvel. It's mainly Kathleen that dropped the ball on this.

Let's not forget their is an official canon book that teases a cross over with marvel and star wars. If we can get star wars into the marvel cinematic multiverse there is a chance of competent correction with directors and writers who actually love these characters.

>Let's not forget their is an official canon book that teases a cross over with marvel and star wars

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>>> Rian Johnson's trilogy is scrapped forever.
>Ok you're clearly a retard
Explain? Johnson is a woke anti-heroism, anti-American, anti-capitalist psychotic.

>Lucas declares everything outside of 1-6 and the 2D cartoon show non-canon
What of Rogue One you fucking bastard?

>Do a Luke movie or series, rectify Luke's image post Last Jedi. Jump back & forth between CGI post Rotj Luke & Pre-TFA Hamill. Show him happily training kids &/or Grogu, going out & doing various peace keeping missions around the galaxy, some that he handles with diplomacy & some that require his saber.
Go to hell!
And don't you dare crawl out of your grave, you fucking old vampire!

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Trilogy with Driver - Kylo Ren before TFA.
Directed by Rian Johnson!!!

and another trilogy with Driver - Kylo/Ben after TROS - revive him as soon as possible if you want to save your fucking Star Wars.
Directed by Rian Johnson!!!

Rian made Star Wars the most interesting it's been since the original trilogy and the only reason you fags cry about it is because Luke wasn't doing flips. The rest of Disney Star Wars is just member berries or some weird guy trying to make his cartoons canon

Lucas would never touch genndy's shit (that he called an experiment) with a 10 foot pole.

My wishlist is the annihilation of Star Wars as a licence forever.

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No more.
Do something else.

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Star Destroyers blowing the fuck out of each other would be nice.

I wish they don't do season 2 of boba fett, they had a chance and they blew it

For Disney to let the franchise die already, so it won't get even more bloated with their new shitty projects

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I completely agree. Nostalgia and Filoni will kill Star Wars forever. But fanboys only whine and don't understand shit.
The only thing I want is to see all the crazy old fanbase thrown in the trash --- for the sake of the future of Star Wars.

>fanbase thrown in the trash
>the future of Star Wars.
I bet this even makes sense to you.

He made it the most interesting by repeating exactly what happened in the other movies, and not committing to any somewhat interesting idea he had. instead, we got the world's shittiest space chase, and a movie that literally moralizes instead of actually showing or telling anything.

take a break and let there be a 3-year gap between star wars projects.

>still thinks RJ is going to do a SW trilogy

I want only ONE thing. For them to make that damn James Mangold Boba Fett movie.

> Do a Luke movie or series, rectify Luke's image post Last Jedi. Jump back & forth between CGI post Rotj Luke & Pre-TFA Hamill. Show him happily training kids &/or Grogu, going out & doing various peace keeping missions around the galaxy, some that he handles with diplomacy & some that require his saber. Show more of the republic that JJ denied us, actually show us what our heroes created after the original trilogy.
There is no saving Luke. TLJ has ruined him forever. And seeing that BoBF has Luke continue with the stupid "no attachment" rule despite the fact that he saves the galaxy because of his attachments, it's clear that these faggots at Disney would just ruin him even worse anyway.

>> Do a extended serious toned True Detective type of story with Boba hunting down a mysterious bounty who got away long ago with heavy flashbacks to his prime, have a different slimmer actor in the classic suit to get the look right & he keeps the helmet on for almost the entirety of that time frame. In both periods Boba is shown to be more badass than he was in S1. In the past he is outright menacing & Terminator/slasher like.
Oh nice. My idea was to rework the story within the confines of him still becoming a kingpin on Tatooine but this is good. I wrote on another thread that they should have a scene of Boba tracking like in True Detective season 3 episode 1 - the 5 minute or so scene where Wayne Hays is tracking through the woods with zero dialogue. If Boba's gonna have a partner in his TD-inspired show, make it Dengar.