Do you think he regrets the prequel reviews?

do you think he regrets the prequel reviews?

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They're the only reason RLM got e-famous, so no.

and this is supposed to be?

at least monetarily no, his plinkett reviews were what kick started his channel and rlm probably wouldn't be as big today without them.

read carefully

They said in either tlj or Ross review prequels still suck. It's a fine opinion whatever, but the prequels do look much better today for having some soul and originality.

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They probably regret the rape basement stuff but most of their income comes from Patreonbux anyway. They’d probably get more money from normal sponsors though if not for the risqué stuff.

No, the Plinkett reviews are hilarious and literally why RLM made it. I wish they would do at least one more frankly, Rise of Skywalker is asking for it

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everything he called for in prequel reviews was realized in sequels. And they were much worse.
Remember when he wanted a rocketeer sequel with kickass black woman fighting oppresion in the sixties?

Mike has always been a hack.

at least he called TLJ bad. unlike gay "i dont think this is terrible" bauman. But sure bro, ray isnt mary sue

>that fucking cope about jj abrams in their tlj hitb
you're pathetic mike

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Mike is unironically better than Jay in every way.


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Based. Cope, Mike.

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He definitely does. It's actually hilarious how much they try to ignore and disown those videos. He's never directly apologized for them but you can clearly infer that he regrets being wrong about the prequels.

They're the only thing this clown is known for

Thinking m4trix was good is infinitely more embarrassing. That’s when I stopped watching them for good.

I'm just glad everyone now admits the prequels were always good. The prequels were well received on release, it wasn't until RLM and Reddit spread the "prequels are bad" meme. Disney doubled down on this narrative before the sequels were released. Everyone seeing that shitshow suddenly began to remember how great the prequels actually were. Still it was scary to see how easily history was rewritten for a while and how quickly the narrative can be manipulated.

Multiple people IRL told me it was based. I feel like I'm in bizarro world with this one. I cant see how anyone sat through it, let alone liked it.