The most watched live television events of all time

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Why isn't my sextape with my wife on there?

Isn't it amazing that the world's most beloved and famous man for about a decade was a gay pedophile?

This fucking planet I swear.

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Here's how this goes
>Make outlandish claim about Michael Jackson
>Ask for a source to backup said claims
>Never get a response, instead more outlandish claims & extremely defensive behavior
>Actual information that refutes claims are dismissed because the mainstream media didn't say it

Yes the billions of people in the world that like MJ are wrong, not the 5 million Jews that spread lies about how horrible he is while proceeding to rape children in their mansions

are you saying they are jealous of all the child rape he had

Is Michael Jackson really that famous?

>Are you saying i’m jealous of a imaginary thing that nobody in the world claims to have witnessed or find evidence happened?

did you just freudian slip that you're a jew

It’s a legit mental illness. It’s insane, they know that there’s literally nothing that can support their claims, yet they still vehemetly defend whatever the media tells them. The media themselves even fucking said it was bullshit to the people he paid off, that’s how little the jews think of Americans

do zoomer really?

>Genre: Terrorism

I miss Michael bros

Michael Jackson was framed by Jews, who had raped him as a child. Its an attack on his character in response to him naming the jew. Michael is innocent

>What the kikes told America: He was guilty, he paid off people, he escaped in 2005 by paying off everyone.
>What actually happened: He had a affair with some white woman, her husband got mad & wanted custody of his child back so he drugged him & called him a pedophile, Michael refused his offer for a settlement and it went public, where nothing was found & they denied Michael’s request to pursue a criminal trial over a civil trial.

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He had obsessions with young boys throughout his life.
He regularly slept with young boys in his bed.
He could have had basically any man or woman, but chose boys as his bedmates.

Even if all the accusations against him are false, that's still all you need to know. He was a pedophile hiding in plain sight. As his life went on he couldn't hide it, so he just started advocating for it outright up to the point he understood people would tolerate.

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Jesus christ listen to yourself, this is downright lunacy to avoid simply accepting the fact & irrefutable proof that he was innocent & the jews have lied to you your entire life. You even acknowlege you have no actual proof and yet you try to justify it based on a hypothetical scenario from a content that was manufactured by a pahjeet.

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>He was guilty, i don’t have any actual evidence to prove it, but i trust the media on this one. So i don’t even need evidence to convict a person
Lol that’s not how it fucking works. Innocent before proven guilty, you need a witness & coresponding evidence to prove someone is a criminal

There is no way half of the world saw MJs funeral.
Half the world did not even have access to TVs at that time.
Michael Jackson is a hack and his popularity was falsely overinflated to boost his image

>you have no actual proof

Nobody denies that Michael slept with many, many children in his bed over the years.

There's not a single other man on the planet that would have people defend doing that.

Any Forums is not a court of law newfag. I also accuse you of being a faggot. Source: spideysense.

>Beatles nowhere to be found

Didn't the alphabet men try to convict him twice and they couldn't? That nigga was probably our best chance at world peace.

This is how would work in a perfect(or even just a normal) world. Nowdays it could take only an accusation on twitter to ruin a life forever.

>gets accused of molesting a boy
>costs him tens of millions of dollars
>"that will not stop me from sleeping unsupervised with little boys!!"

Literally only a pedophile would have a compulsion strong enough to do this. Maybe it was sexual, maybe it was romantic, but his obsession was abnormal.

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>2 billion for Diana
State funeral of The Queen will easily top this list

Yo know he died in 2009 right? I don't know where you lived but everybody had a televison(and even a computer)

Are The Beatles famous?

michael jackson put his finger up my bum when i was 7

>comparing a normal fuckin average retard to a dude whos been a zillionaire and famous since he was 5 years old

Dude had no fucking concept of normal, of course hed do shit that would be weird to me and you, i very much doubt he gave a flying fuck about anything sexual with kids, dudes brain probably never matured past 10 years old anyway from his life of constant publicity, and people thinking so highly of him. Plus he prolly had so much pussy as a teen/young adult that the dude prolly was bored of it

Like everything the alphabet crowd claims, one easy search debunks it.
>“Martin Bashir made his name on the blight of Michael Jackson. When the trial against him started it started with that documentary. It was actually a piece of evidence we watched in the courtroom… He created a context in which it looked like Jackson had some interest in that young boy – while what we saw was a boy in a wheelchair with no hair and skinny little body. He did all he could for that family out of the goodness of his heart. He helped a cancer patient. They claimed that after the documentary aired that Michael Jackson decided to molest their son, not before! Janet Arvizo was completely insane. Everybody in the court was rolling their eyeballs each time this woman opened her mouth. Her stories contradicted each other. No one corrected the misreporting of the Michael Jackson trial. They made it seem he was acquitted because the jury were star-struck. No, they were not interested. These people were selected by two teams of experts. It was Martin Bashir who directed MJ to hold Gavin's hand on camera. At that point MJ hadn't seen Gavin since 2000 he stayed in the room one night & michael reluctant to let him had another adult sleep on the floor with him, though Gavin had visited Neverland and MJ was never there. After this was filmed MJ didn't stay the night at Neverland and took off with his kids again. In February 2003 it was the Arvizos who begged to see Michael after the documentary aired and contacted Chris Tucker who spent more time with them to beg him to put them through. When they came to Neverland MJ made sure he was never alone with them and would take off to Miami and L.A. multiple times while they were there, though they originally claimed they'd been with him the entire time. Then Gavin testified they'd hear MJ wouldn't be at the ranch, only to see him in the distance playing with Paris, Prince & Blanket

A friend of my father did it too. I was 12 though and we started a torrid affair until I reached puberty and he did not find arousing me anymore