2007 was 15 years ago

2007 was 15 years ago

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Yes! It was!

last year of good cinema

My gf was born in 2007, bit she's only 14

yesterday was 86400 seconds ago

How old are you?

"Now that I've got my money back and I can say that this is no country for old men"

what the fuck were they thinking?

25, why?

Sorry I meant 45

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These posts never shock me.
When Pirates of the Caribbean 6 came out, I was like "Again? Didn't the 5th one with the mermaid came out just last year?"
I fucking didn't believed for a month that it had actually been 5 years.
So I always keep track of time to never have this dread feeling of impending doom again

What have you done in that time user?

2005-2009 was so good mang.

I was in middle school in 2007. Later I started high school but I dropped out of it so I started working shitty jobs, then I hopped on the neet life for a while. One or two years later I stopped being a neet, got my high school degree, started university and got a part-time job on the side. My life is still kinda shitty but way better than what it used to be.

You sick fuck!

>2007 was 15 years ago

I still listen to a podcast that was started in 2006, and stop being enjoyable in late 2013. I don't enjoy it, but i'll keep listening to it.

we are closer to 2036 than we are to 2007

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I wasn't even in secondary school in 2007.
Whenever I see anything from/related to the late 2000s I get a strong feeling of missing out on something wonderful.
Kino cinema, peak gaming, online forums, even the weather was better back then.
But I didn't really experience any of it.
It's the closest feeling I can get to nostalgia (which I've never really been able to find)