Would you fuck a girl with acne?

would you fuck a girl with acne?

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yeah I don't care, it's fixable anyway
I'd only dodge if it was a train wreck, but your picture is fine


whats that gonna do to my dick ?

Literally no. Some 16 year old girl literally offered me her virginity and I said no.

That girl yes, because she's hot

already have. have you fucked a girl at all?

yeah because i still suffer from it too, no matter how healthy i eat and much i work out, exfoliate and bathe, it has never gone away. and im almost 30

Yous a faggot senpai

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Of course.
You can always do her doggie and bury her face in a pillow

>find girl with acne
>convince her that cum fixes acne
>free target practice

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Hey, I've had my dick sucked by more than enough men to know I'm not gay, thank you very much.


I would, but I know very well the moment here skin clears she will leave me for Chad. I hope she's just upfront about it and doesn't cuck me from months until she gets the courage to break up.

Salicylic Acid, Benzoyl Peroxide, and Retinol; twice a day, every day, for a month

If you have really greasy skin there's no helping it no matter what you use. I would know because I used so much shit since I was 16.

Imagine her back. You can pop black heads for months.

My jawline and neck is full of acne scars. Got the Isotretinoin too late.

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Fuck, yes, with the lights off. No to anything more though. That shit's unpleasant to look at.

My gf currently has acne almost as bad as OP's pic, she started tretinoin creme a week ago though, I hope it gets better :3

Put it this way; I would much prefer she had acne instead of genital herpes.

>3 topicals
fuck no, get the pills and be done with it in a couple months

why cant i just have a girlfriend. why am i being denied this by whatever higher power etc. its not fucking fair. why

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I just want to know what it feels like to hold someone and to have them want you.

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yeah, i have acne scarring on my cheeks. I've been to a million dermatologists and still have acne. I've rubbed so much smelly goo on my face.

Can you buy this stuff or is it only prescribed?

Prescribed, covered by a lot of insurances.

Just get an uggo

You don't improve, you don't approach, you dress like shit, you're either too heavy or too skinny, quiet personality that quickly becomes abrasive once the ice is broken etc.

what did it for me is finding a correct face wash / cream. had to try dozens of different ones over a course of 5 years or so
everyone's different and I really don't believe in a universal cure for all

Went on it, twice. It was a temporary fix at best

had the same issue. for me it was literally cutting out sugar and oil from my diet and eating more greens
unironically fixed my acne. however it's tough to eat clean like this all the time and whenever i don't it comes back

every single woman rejects me. im not even that unattractive. i am being targeted by some sort of government incel insanity experiment or a demon. i am convinced of it. this is unnatural.
i dress well and ive spoken to many women with worse personalities.
>You don't improve
improve what? become some self improvement autist wating time learning a hobby i dont enjoy?

have you considered that 5 years passed and your hormone production naturally changed?

You're literally retarded

she bitifel

oh and also alcohol, but that should go without saying

>he doesn't change his pillow covers

Probably already have. Plenty of them have acne, they just cover it with makeup

If she had just asked me out on a date I would've said yes. I assume. This was a very long time ago. But pussy pass denied.

Isotetronin or Accutane whatever it's called where you live
Prescription but it remove acne for you. Not too expensive but idk what healthcare you got in your country

not with acne on her face lol she uggo

Caking your face with chemicals isn't a permanent fix.

Great getting male pattern baldness and acne at 19. Incel sentence