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"at this point..." edition

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Attached: Jinx Donewts.jpg (1920x816, 845.67K)

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Are we showing them all?


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Will Jayce put his partner down like the rabid dog he is?

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You have to stop.

Attached: topsiders read everything.webm (480x270, 2.01M)

I wanna huge smol powpow

Attached: powpowvi.webm (1920x816, 2.6M)

Her only artistic inclination are scribbles. Not smut.

Attached: Jinx Art.jpg (3840x1632, 3.23M)

holy shit, that's a super high quality webm. How did you do it?

Does this show actually live up to the online hype? Storywise I mean? Is it worth watching for the story? I ask with the consideration that I do have an aversion to gays and I am slightly more sexist than the average man, but I can put all that aside for a very good story.

>Storywise I mean? Is it worth watching for the story?
The story isn't some 10/10 masterpiece and if you scrutinize it closely there are aspects that are weak. But it's still better than 95% of stuff out there today. The gays play a small part and it's done tastefully.
It's worth watching for every other reason under the sun though.

Story is above average, it is carried by animation and characters.
Closest thing to gay is two girls hinted being lesbian.

So what will happen with the hexcore after the explosion? Someone was theorizing that maybe Viktor will be severely injured and Jayce will use it to save Viktor, but does Jayce even know how to use it?
I mean, he saw how the experiment with the plant went but he doesn't know you need to give the hexcore your blood and use shimmer for it to "heal" you.

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>but does Jayce even know how to use it?
I had never really put any thought into this aspect of things. Just kinda assumed that in the scenario where Viktor was injured Jayce would gain "plot-intelligence" of how to use the hexcore to save his life.
But your post reminded me of what Linke recently said. That both Jayce and Viktor have a "connection" to the hexcore. Maybe he would be able to figure it out.

Attached: Jayce Viktor Connection.jpg (708x287, 34.24K)

It's definitely worth watching, keep in mind first 2 episodes are pretty slow.

All me.

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nice cowardice, Chuck.
double pass?

series are today caracterized by lack of consistency in the characters and the plot, due to the necessity of twists: one twist every five minutes ruins it all without survivors.
that is not the case here.

the whole show is a crescendo, without holes.

you may find interesting to know that you will encounter here a never seen anywhere character. imean it. She's mean to.

Attached: CHUCK.webm (600x600, 2.22M)

Powpow and Lux

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I'm racist and sexist and I liked it. I have nothing against homos though. That being said there is no homosexuality in Arcane

>*She's mean too

Stop it Jinx. Silco is not interested in your sexual advances and in fact you are pushing him away with them. He's found a newer, younger, purer and saner daughter.

Attached: Silco Silly.jpg (2048x2732, 392.1K)