What did the empire do that was actually evil...

What did the empire do that was actually evil? Seems like everyone except Obi Wan and Yoda just continued on with their lives.

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blew up seditious monarchists
>old EU made them literally Hitler Nazis vs. The New Republic Rainbow Coalition

Death. Star.

They blew up a populated planet for no reason

>no reason

You have it backwards.

Murdered billions of people

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Nothing. Order and stability is just le bad.

Blew up a planet just to test their weapon

Is not a crime committed by planets and doesn't usually carry the death penalty.

At the beginning of ANH the Galactic Republic structure was dissolved by the Empire, ending federal representation. Based on the prequel movies, the main cause of the conflict in the galaxy of systems was poor representation in the Senate. But any planet that doesn't like being ruled and ignored by the Empire dictatorship, that never released its central powers during the Clone Wars, will get raided by Storm Troopers or zapped by the Death Star

I suppose you ignore how the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima actually saved lives during the second World War.

Destroying Alderaan was unironically a peace keeping measure.

In all honesty the regional governor system was a better idea than the Senate where one guy represented at least dozen of planets inhabited by different species

I still side with Anakin when he said something to Padme like,
>"If the universe doesn't want peace, then someone should force them to be peaceful."

To this date, I still don't think they've made a Star Wars project that sympathizes with the Empire. Shit like that Star Wars game and the upcoming Acolyte both chicken out.

I don't think they could ever do a movie or show that was truly sympathetic to the Empire, because, you know, the Empire is evil. Portraying the Empire as good or even neutral would betray the entire concept of Star Wars.

It could be interesting if they did a show about an Imperial who turns against the Empire and joins the Rebellion, and started out showing the Empire as entirely positive then slowly pulled back the curtain.

In the nu-canon the Empire genocided Geonosis to keep the Death Star project a secret

Attached: Aphra_examines_sterilized_Geonosis.png (1389x564, 1.26M)

Which begs the question, why do they need the death star if they can kill everything on a planet with gas bombs.

It took years of constant fighting on the planet to do it. A Death Star can kill them all in a single shot.

Imagine being planets like Mon Cala who fought for the republic
>fight against planets who wanted out of the republic because it was corrupt and harmful
>then the republic just becomes a dictatorship so now you rebel but all the planets who would have sided with you you helped genocide

Bugs had it fucking coming. Probably the least evil act committed by the empire.

We hardly see much of the galaxy though. Much of the series is spent on Tatoonie, which is a backwater with little Imperial precense, or in rebel bases.

But in the first film we see that the Empire:

>is harsh and ignores rules, when boarding Leia's ship, killing all resistance and capturing her
>is willing to use torture on her
>kills Luke's family
>creates a superweapon that Tarkin explains will make everyone submit to the empire through fear
>uses said super weapon by blowing up a planet with millions of people on it

In contrast, we see nothing for the Empire. The rebellion looks morally justified.

>Murdered billions of people

Obi-Wan confirms it's millions not billions. Likely not that highly populated.

>I feel a great disturbance in the force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.

A fleet of Star Destroyers could fire upon a planet and wipe out all life in a few days. But that's combersom and not as powerful as a single weapon.