Tolkien says Elves instantly die when you rape them

>Tolkien says Elves instantly die when you rape them
What are the rules for this? Like, is it the instant their labia/rectum first gets parted, or at first full penetration, or at the rapist's ejaculation? What if you just throatfuck them?

Hell, what if you don't touch them at all and bukkake them? And if they die from that too, can it be weaponized to wipe out elf armies?

What if an Elf girl really likes a guy and wants to have consensual sex with him but she experiences a moment of doubt or fear or discomfort, does she just tragically die mid-intercourse? If an Elf #MeToos somebody years later, does she instantly drop dead?

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Tolkien would consider any premarital sex a form of rape.

Did Tolkien said this?

As a preamble, there is a passage from Tolkien’s essay, Laws and Customs of the Eldar (Morgoth’s Ring):
>“There is no record of any among the Elves that took another’s spouse by force, for this was wholly against their nature, and one so forced would have rejected bodily life and passed to Mandos.”

>have sex with elf loli
>years later she dies
Tolkien, bruh...

I am expecting this to be explored in the rings of power series. The edgier more racy and contemporary LoR universe it will create is a good place to explore some or JRRT's darker and more pervy ideas and concepts.

>On the other hand the act of procreation, being of a will and desire shared and indeed controlled by the fëa, was achieved at the speed of other conscious and willful acts of delight or of making. It was one of the acts of chief delight, in process and in memory, in an Elvish life, but its intensity alone provided its importance, not its time or length: it could not have been endured for a great length of time, without disastrous “expense”.

>But the act of procreation not being one of growth until the union of the seed and being under full control of the will does not take long -- though it is longer and of more intense delight in Elves than in Men: too intense to be long endured.

-The Nature of Middle Earth

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Elves don't die the way Men do. Their body dies but their soul goes to the halls of Mandos and chill in reflection and contemplation on their life before being reincarnated exactly as they once were. Dwarven souls just wait around for eternity.

Only Men die permanently and no one knows what happens when their souls leave the halls of Mandos.

What if I licked Galadriel's foot without her permission? Is that rape?

Based Tolkien outsmarting tranny cuckshits 80 years before they first emerged

So if I rape an elf babe, she dies, and her soul gets to watch me defile her recently vacated body?

This'll be referenced in the show. An OC elf character will have cutting scars to show how she was rejecting her life.

Elf souls don't sit around watching Middle Earth, they reflect on their past life and dwell with other Souls.

Secondly I don't think elves are going to let you anywhere near their babies and even if you managed to get close they will probably kill you before you can even lay a finger on it. That's also just the kind of thing that wouldn't be in Tolkien's world anyways. Eru would probably make your dick explode "by chance" if you tried.

Wasn't Elronds wife raped by orcs? Thought she survived but got eternal PTSD or something

Nah that's something trooners made up. Orcs just torture and cannibalize

>there was never any rape, they would never do it, and if it happened it still wouldn't happen because they would first drop dead
It sounds like he autistically wanted to prevent rape porn fanfiction, but did that even exist in the times when he wrote it?

When you tear their hymen they die, buty sex doesn't count, so most elves are anal whores.

Wow user did you really turn "hot babe" into "hot baby" in your head?

Yes. I will not pretend I'm normal and we'll adjusted.

>Tolkien says Elves instantly die when you rape them
that only happens if you pull the crystal from their foreheads

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>for this was wholly against their nature

Didn't the oldest elves literally hunt and eat human beings?

They have a kill switch activated by themselves in case they are forcibly raped so they die before having to live with the shame

I'm watching The Fellowship of the Ring right now and they're just going into Moria. The riddle to get the door to open is "speak friend and enter" in Elvish.

Why would the Dwarves use an Elvish word as the password?

It's kind of the same way that Tolkien used Hobbits to represent his view of idyllic English country life, where communities are rural, close-knit, and value family above all. He wanted them to represent bounty and fertility by having them have lots of kids, but he had no interest in discussing anything specific about them breeding, just like he didn't speak about crime or poverty or anything like that in the Shire.

The implication is that Hobbits (and Elves in this analogy) wouldn't do that, but theoretically those forces of evil and corruption in the world could do that TO them. I mean, he'd seen war, he knew what invading armies did to the populace. But to him, being able to die with honor and grace intact rather than be corrupted was the more idyllic answer.

>... it came to pass that [Eöl] saw Aredhel Ar-Feiniel as she strayed among the tall trees near the borders of Nan Elmoth, a gleam of white in the dim land. Very fair she seemed to him, and he desired her; and he set his enchantments about her so that she could not find the ways out, but drew ever nearer to his dwelling in the depths of the wood. There were his smithy, and his dim halls, and such servants as he had, silent and secret as their master. And when Aredhel, weary with wandering, came at last to his doors, he revealed himself; and he welcomed her, and led her into his house. And there she remained; for Eöl took her to wife, and it was long ere any of her kin heard of her again.
>It is not said that Aredhel was wholly unwilling, nor that her life in Nan Elmoth was hateful to her for many years. For though at Eöl’s command she must shun the sunlight, they wandered far together under the stars or by the light of the sickle moon; or she might fare alone as she would, save that Eöl forbade her to seek the sons of Fëanor, or any others of the Noldor.
This was probably rape. She wasn't wholly unwilling, so she was a little unwilling and ran away from Eöl eventually.
>... the Orcs drove away the herded captives, and they passed nigh to Túrin and crossed over the bridge. Among them was Finduilas, and she cried out to Túrin as she went; but not until her cries and the wailing of the captives was lost upon the northward road did Glaurung release Túrin, and he might not stop his ears against that voice that haunted him after.
Finduilas wasn't raped either? Are Orcs gay?

Elves made the doors with the Dwarves
They used to be best buds in the 2nd age

The door was for the Elves of Eregion.

Fair enough. I was also thinking that maybe it was just a more ancient universal language.

What were they THINKING?

>Why would the Dwarves use an Elvish word as the password?
The Dwarves carved the door, but the runes on it are Elvish. It was originally made by Durin's kin, in the days when the Dwarves and Elves were friendly and traded freely. The back door to Moria was specifically where caravans of Elven traders would arrive from (having come from Rivendell and other places in that region) and would freely speak the password and enter because they were friends.

The actual inscription on the doors says "I, Narvi, made them. Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these symbols.", because the Elf Celebrimbor worked with the Dwarf craftsman to create them to facilitate trade. Then the Dark Age of Sauron happened and everything fell apart and the Doors of Durin were sealed forever. Or, they were sealed until all the Dwarves in Moria were killed by Goblins and everyone forgot the Doors ever existed.

They're orcs. Not niggers