Christopher Lee destroys Peter Jackson

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Raimi would've asked him to yell OH N-

Peter Jackson is a hack, he just had god-tier source material.

>Peter Jackson is a hack
bad taste, meet the feebles, braindead (dead alive for burgers) and the frighteners disagree

Enjoy your Amazon BLM of the Rings.

based saxon men remover

didn't he work for british intelligence? he helped stab the entire world in the back

Christopher Lee has killed! I seent it!

He's seen some absolute shit

Lee was notoriously a self-agrandizing liar. Also
>dude my wizard death sound has to be realistic or the audience who has also never heard what someone getting stabbed sounds like won't get it

It’s funny because the man actually did stab nazis in the back

Reminder Christopher Lee wasn't actually in battle

>He and other British volunteers were kept away from the actual fighting, but they were issued with winter gear and were posted on guard duty a safe distance from the border. After two weeks in Finland, they returned home.
Lee did fuck all

Peter Jackson is like George Lucas; he made one good trilogy and everything afterwards was a CGI shitfest.

thank you. i hate his bullshit peddling.

Christopher twink is a fraud. Read up on it

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Amazon sure are cranking out the anti jackson shills recently.

Your new series is gonna be shit amazon.

What's wrong with District 9

Was not made by Jackson

based Nazi hunter hapa Lee

christopher lee is a pathetic lying faggot who has never seen action

or was, is the faggot even alive anymore