Villain ties up the hero and has his minions transport him to a prison to await execution instead of just fucking...

>villain ties up the hero and has his minions transport him to a prison to await execution instead of just fucking shooting him

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i liked in devils rejects when they immediately execute the comic relief hostage within the first sentence

>villain ties the hero to an unnecessary complicated torture machine and leaves the room
>hero actually gets slowly tortured to death

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You know the rule, name 6 movies chuds

Austin Powers

This trope was addressed in Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery

>villain leaves hero alive because he sees potential in him

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>protag kills all of the villain's minions with no hesitation or remorse
>villain takes the best out of the protag but talks his ass off instead of killing him for once

>Villain is about to execute main character
>Villian suddenly kills minion
>Five minute back story explains what's going on.

>villain subverts the comic book trope of villains explaining his master plan and breaks the fourth wall by explaining how he's not a typical comic book villain and proceeds to disintegrate a big blue glowing naked man

i hate when this happens

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>villain explains his plan
>good guy says that he's going to stop the bad guy
>bad guy laughs because everything he said has already happened

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>hero leaves villain alive because he sees potential in him

>hero tries to get villain assassinated
>wanders around putting a gun to his head screaming

Austin Powers had a pretty good take on this
>Why don't you just shoot him now? I mean, I'll go get a gun. We'll shoot him together.

>pro wrestling has a everything goes hardcore no rules unscantioned double hell match
>they don't just shoot each other

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>film is a moderately interesting spy flick
>instead of ending, there's suddenly an illogical and totally pointless plot twist that creates a littany of plot holes

>villain leaves hero alive because he's "not even worth killing"

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>villain kills own henchmen for ridiculous reasons
>hero insults villain
>everyone's silent
>"heh i like this kid, he's got some chuzpah"
>villain grabs his balls and everyone laughs

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>super strong henchman slaughters a group of nameless guards/soldiers effortlessly
>fights protagonist
>instead of crushing him, or slicing off his head or anything else, the henchman picks up the protagonist and throws him at nothing

>Kingsman: Secret Service
”You know this reminds me of? Those old movies that we love so much, where I tell you this convoluted plan and you find a equally convoluted way to escape”.
”Sounds good to me”
”Well this ain’t that kind of movie”