It's Trannyoma

>It's Trannyoma

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>being exposed to twitter will only enhance the effect of the disease, what should we do House?

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Patient needs a swift kick in the ass, and Iron Eagle films, stat.

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House, this doesn't seem ethical.

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That line where he claimed that "the human brain is like the internet" pissed me off since recent research has shown it's more akin to a holographic lattice, but that research probably wasn't known yet when said line was written up

Still black, Foreman?

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> I am very pretty but also an incredibly boring character. I do hope no one hotter than me shows up soon and makes me completely pointless

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>trannies are funny
yes they are House
yes they are

When she wore glasses, she was even hotter.

> *mogs you‘re jaw in You’re path*

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>so was yo momma not aborting you tupac, but we're long past that point!

Name a more iconic duo

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sherlock holmes and dr. watson

user's hand and user's cock.

Why did he do it bros? Fucking Obama, really?

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float away, fairy

>literally tells a tranny he will never be a woman
How hard would House be cancelled today?

>holography is /x/
user, I...

Square jaws are masculine. Women should look feminine.


He saw Micheal Obama and wanted a piece of that.