Be honest Any Forums, how would you feel if you were in his place?

be honest Any Forums, how would you feel if you were in his place?

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Relieved. Imagine wanting a family, especially in America

did he see a hecking racism too?


I would just off myself to be honest, either that or kill as many of the smug survivors on that truck out of spite before the military shoots me down

Realistically, would he be trialed for murder or would the government just ignore any crimes done during the Mist?

Trialed but acquitted.

how is the government gonna explain this disaster caused by the military

he'd be acquitted but he would probably wish to received a sentence, any man would seek some form of judgement after doing that

This movie is terrible, but the ending was unironically hilarious

Nah he killed his family for ultimately no reason, you know, something that would make you actually want to off yourself

Movie was a 6/10 but the ending bumped it up to a 8/10 for me

my 11 yo brain was blown away by the ending when I first saw this kino

I wouldn't say anything. I'd just put on Ironic by Alanis Morissette and drive off into the sunset. Roll credits.

>the crazy bible thumping old evil cunt turned out to be right

He really jumped the gun. Stories of survival against all odds show that people can fight till the end and he just decided on murder suicide right away.

The most interesting twist because almost every King story has a character like this. That faggot is obsessed like he was molested or something.

I thought the ending was different from the book

>I'm feeling a barrel rush of emotions.

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did she?

>caused by the military
say it was a natural event