Why did boomers think she was attractive? 4.5/10 is the best I can do

Why did boomers think she was attractive? 4.5/10 is the best I can do.

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True, I prefer NIGGERS with their big MONKEY lips

Because she was the hottest bitch in the biggest films at the time. You are Luke Skywalker on some remote planet in scifiland, you will fall in love with her, etc.

You can't just judge her based on appearance alone.

she should have been black or latinx

God i wish i could pound her, but after what jabba's 22 x 16 worm did to her, it'd be like fucking a bowl of water

Coke fiend raises her to a 7 at least,

literally kys

Sexiness isn’t purely physical. She radiated insane sex kitten energy.
Also fuck you she’s a 7.5 in physical terms

It was possible once upon a time to find a woman beautiful without having seen her gaping asshole.

She had nice feet.

She was a thin white women with no deformities. That's literally all is required to make men simp for life.

she has "I got Molested" face

could you imagine a coked up 80's carrie fisher going crazy ontop of some cute nerd twink who'd never forget it for the rest of his life

Newer ask princess of alderaan who is her daddy.

Gay people are a minority, but OP is always a fag.

>zoomers thinking they can talk about what is hot to boomers
boomers had babes. zoomers have trannies and feminists. shut your mouth kid

she cute

She's cute

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When did she hit the wall and become Jabba the Hutt?

They still didn't succeed in making her a babe. The Jewish psyop to make us think they're attractive will never work.

I don't think she was in anything notable after the OT ended.