Season 2 when?

Season 2 when?

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Why do millennial men dress like this? Say what you will about zoomers but at least they don't wear this shit anymore.

lol, they've proven time and time again they're the most pathetic generation who have yet to contribute anything to art.

Middleditch got cancelled for something that to this day i can't figure out. It was becasue he was flirting in a not okay way of some kind after getting divorced or some shit.

>In March 2021, the Los Angeles Times published allegations that Middleditch sexually harassed women at Cloak & Dagger, a Los Angeles-based goth club, including one incident where he groped a woman's breast.
He literally just wanted a big titty goth gf. Who can blame him?

Like it or not, hipster fashion is the last stand of implicit white identity. Zoomers all dress like niggers

Is the left guys feet on the ground or is there space under his feet? Theres no way hes that short right?

improv dorks are so fucking annoying

pause the various bitch fits pls
now tell me what the series is about
so i can determine whether i will waste my
time watching it.
how pozzed is it

is this actually good? middleditch was good on silicon valley (terrible on that nursing home show) but the other guy was insufferable on parks and rec

Middleditch got MeToo'd for being too horny.

50% of the cast is 500% jewish

You're welcome for saving this thread, OP

This. He used to stream on twitch under the name middletwitch as well but stopped after he was metoo'd

Wow, that's weird. And in a nation where most people rep a religion that features a jew as god. I wouldn't have guessed that water is wet, but there you go. Is it fucking watchable? Or will I need eye bleach once the screen stops flickering? Fuck I hate this site.

>Middleditch and Schwartz
sooner than you'd think

They should do a Middleditch & Sanz

The look like Steve Urkel though.

Deez nuts


my guy