Aren’t you sick of Batman and Spider-Man?

Aren’t you sick of Batman and Spider-Man?

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I'm sick of comic book movies period

I don’t watch movies I’m not interested in


Capeshit is retarded and Scorsese was right about it

I’m done with superhero movies but if an original superhero movie not based on a comic but written for the screen came out I would support it.

Sick of it all. Especially Star Wars

Already saw NWH, might as well see this one too

Spiderman is literally the only good super hero and the best incarnation of him is the Raimi films. This is indisputable fact.

>Aren’t you sick of Batman and Spider-Man?
I'm pretty much sick of every franchise. Hollywood needs to take a five year break from doing franchise shit.

Yes, which is why I only care about Black Adam and Flash

Aren't you sicking of dilating the gaping wound between your legs?

you fucking retards act like you're in fucking clockwork orange being strapped to a chair and forced to watch this shit just don't fucking pay attention to it you fucking retards its that simple. Fucking moron faggots

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>I would support it
This is literally how zoomers think about consuming media. Ever minor choice is an act of activism one way or the other

Ok, fag. You can calm down.

Scorsese is a hack.

Nah fuck you melodramatic faggot retards get over yourself bitchtits, you don't have to watch a single bit of capeshit ever not a single bit you fucking willingly do it and they feed off it you absolute mongoloid

I don’t watch it, retard. But yeah fag keep on spazzing out lmao.


Suck his dick, faggot.

finna stop trying to fit in so hard pinhead

Definitely Batman. I honestly don't think I could even handle another Death of the Waynes.
And I'm kind of sick of the MCU inc Spiderman. Particularly since they seemed determined not to fix any of their problems.

Capeshit in general? No, but I'm definitely craving originality. Peacemaker is 2.5 stars, but gets +1 star for just being original (in the sense that no one has thought to rip off the Simpsons in capeshit before).

nope. As long as it's not made by zack snyder.

The best Batman was the 1960s show and it never even depicts the death of the Waynes.

>The best Batman was the 1960s show
The fans hated it even back then. Your revisionism will never work.