This is one of my favorite shows of all time

this is one of my favorite shows of all time

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>american flag
>white family
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this show is about how white americans are evil

Way too Jewish. It goes so far into Jew mental illness that it comes off as so Jewish that only a Jew can be so contrived to believe such logic.

it's a miniseries drama that follows a 1940s jewish family in an alternate timeline where Charles Lindbergh wins the presidency on a vaguely anti-semitic, America First campaign. It's really, really good. And if you're into the history of the time period, the director has a podcast for each episode.

shit book. shit adaptation.

>it's a miniseries drama that follows a 1940s jewish family

Stopped reading there.

t. antisemite

>If you don't like our Jewish propaganda, you're anti-jewish!

>Lead actress is the granddaughter of a nebbish Hollywood Jew who ratted out all his friend to the HUAC
David Simon always gives the game away in his shows

how was it jewish propaganda? it was a good show and the biggest villain of the show is a rabbi

If I'm wrong I won't have seen a decent HBO show. If I'm right I will have saved myself 8 or so hours of bs. I'll play it safe. Also I dont really believe you. Even if it is true, tons of evil anti-white Jews hate rabbis and conservative nationalist Jews which a lot of rabbis are. Doesn't mean the show isn't shit. Is it nuanced?

Oh so it's just more vaguely anti-goyimic hatred then

The “White Americans” are Jews. It’s a show about Jews.

>Is it nuanced?
define nuanced.
all of the characters are flawed in some way. the rabbi is a southerner and brags about jews' role in the confederacy.

it was fucking retarded, and the kind of dumb shit that only a hysterical yid from the suburbs of new jersey could come up with

>rabbi is a southerner and brags about jews' role in the confederacy

It's a bold strategy I'll give them that

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Yeah I'll pass I think I'm right and you just haven't seen enough of this kind of stuff

Pretty brave to portray jews as villains. How did they get away with it?

I don't get it, why do J*ws believe that every government, every society must accommodate their desires - even if it's detrimental to the majority? It's almost like they're the real conquerors, they're the real racial supremacists, and when they accuse others, it's simply them projecting their true beliefs

they present WWII as the good war, the morally justified war, when it truly wasn't. No-one really benefited except for a single group of people

they did not portray it as the good war what are you talking about? there were only two characters that really gave a shit, one of which went off to fight, and the other of which got called out for being an armchair general.

>"Why is a parasite parasitic? Doesn't it know if it kills its host that it will die too?"
Living with parasites is simply untenable.