What would happen if Porkys was remade today?

What would happen if Porkys was remade today?

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they would all be pre-pubescent and it would be released on netflix

The entire cast would be niggers and fags. No real women and a twenty minute monologue by the main character on why black lives matter, even though they don't.

And then heterosexual adult men would be considered child groomers but then they did the same thing with gay but gay would be okay for 10 year old and 50 year old to be lovers.

it would be "women" showing their "feminine penis" to other women in the restrooms, there would also be one or more rapes in said restrooms.

When I was a young teenager my mother repeatedly tried to make me watch this movie but I never did. I assumed it was American Pie for the previous generation

It’s eh. The sequels sucked.

leave Stephen Fry out of this


Your mom tried to make you watch Porkys?

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she wanted to awaken the beast inside you to replace your absent father

Yeah. She said I would like it, I was 13.

Sounds like you missed out on incest with your mother.

This. I was thinking it would be fat black women and trannies, and a bunch of loser gamer shut in guys for the frat guys

All the girls would have cocks!!!FACT!!!

Mrs Ballbreaker will be formerly Mr Ballbreaker and also a fat black man

TBQH, I think your Mum was worried you might be gay..

You just made me remember that my grandma told me to watch it too. The only movies I remember her telling me to watch were this and Lawrence of Arabia

my family thought I was gay until I was like 25, then my mom killed herself and everything fell apart and now nobody cares about anything anymore

See everything works out in the end.

I claim second from right

Like constipation

ok but they're all like 60 now

Still would.
I will bring along my industrial strength bearing grease just in case

ugh my fat loser stepbrother who was like 3 years older than me used to perv on me while I was showering and raid my laundry basket and he thought I didn't notice. I didn't raise a ruckus because he kept mostly to himself and I didn't want it to be awkward for the next few years. Got the hell out as soon as I turned 18. Anyone who peeks on girls showering deserves to be castrated

5 1 3 4 2

All the jokes would be super hacky because they have been copied for 40 years.

they would report him to the authorities and he would be arrested and spend the rest of his life as a registered sex offender unable to get a decent job and shunned by his neighbors eventually dying of alcoholism.