Everyone in Hollywood has literal retard level IQs. Let's think about this for 1/1000th of a second

Everyone in Hollywood has literal retard level IQs. Let's think about this for 1/1000th of a second.

Mando's new ship is an N1 Naboo fighter, because 'MEMBER ANAKIN PILOTING ONE?!?!?! Oh but he's racist against droids so the asteomech pod was replaced with a Homer Simpson bubble, which is obviously going to be where Grogu sits eventually. Apart from that it's an antique single seat fighter/interceptor

Now.....remind me again what Mando does for a living? Oh right, he's a fucking BOUNTY HUNTER. You know.....people who go collect other people and take them back to the authorities. Yeah.....that single seater makes total sense.

This is just as retarded as giving the robocop in the reboot a motorcycle. Because you know....when you arrest someone just throw them on your motorcycle

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Mandolorian has a bigger ship that can hold his new star fighter

The Homer bubble is a throw back to the McQuarrie y wing concept

the only thing that makes sense is they want to have a large cast that travels with him, so they sit on a ship he pilots the mando fighter from like farscape or some shit

He just need the head to confirm the Bounty,See the same episode

>Oh but he's racist against droids so the asteomech pod was replaced with a Homer Simpson bubble

What I don't get about this is that he shouldn't be capable of hyperspace travel without. That's the whole point of the astromech is that they can do the hyperspace calculations needed to safely travel at lightspeed in a small fighter. It has other uses too but that's the main purpose

Has he actually hunted a bounty since s1?

I haven't seen the episode, but this is what'd make the most sense.

Well he didn't want it at first probably for that reason, but he needed a ship either way. And most likely his bounty hunter days are behind him.

Uh no. His razorcrest got blowed up

Calm down little guy

>waaa my baby show treats me like a stupid baby instead of treating me like an intelligent individual waaaa it's not fair
Yeah, guess what kid, when you really think about it, the street from Sesame Street don't make much logical sense neither.

Stop touching the stove expecting it not to be hot you fucking retard. Star Wars is for kids, accept that and move on.

No but that's because he got drawn into Baby Yoda drama. Now that he's pawned the kid off he needs to get back to work. Man's gotta eat

he just did in book of boba with the meat factory aliens bro.

>Homer Simpson bubble
Ngl I laughed pretty hard

>stop talking about TV shows on a message board for talking about TV shows!

Christ you are a fucking imbecile

You guys even watch the show?

That dudes head could have fit in his lap so I didnt bring it up.

But I also assume he doesnt decapitate all his bounties

Robocop never brought anybody in though except Clarence, he just beat the shit out of them

You can talk about whatever the fuck you want to talk about, but complaining that Star Wars is too dumb is like complaining that the sky is blue.

the astromech are limited to various counts of calculations as well, some can only calculate and store information for one jump, others as much as seven or more consecutive jumps along a flight plan

He's gonna put them in a spacesuit and chain them to the bonnet

>he's a fucking BOUNTY HUNTER
he's been a baby sitter/imperial remnant clearer for the past two seasons

I'm hoping it's a new ship, but I'm getting the feeling he'll get his own version of the Twilight.