Who would have been the best king and queen for Westeros?

who would have been the best king and queen for Westeros?

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Me and 92 Winona Ryder.

no one. the country has been decimated by the war of the five kings. and the apocalypse is about to start in the books. the throne is meaningless. but D&D are fucking retarded

Stannis and that one bunny bitch

so are the white walkers the apocalypse or is Euron the apocalypse?
someone help me here

euron is the herald of the white walker apocalypse and the long night. the true night king. he'll blow the horn of winter and the wall will crumble

Stannis+Renly together would have been unstoppable. Neither of them can match up to Robert alone but between them they have charisma and discipline. And they'd have the full force of the Stormlands+Reach behind them.

Ayo hol up what if we let people vote n sheeit


will Arya still kill him?

no. euron is just about to attack oldtown and arya is still in essos. aryas plot in the books isnt about being a badass who assassinates all the villains of the plot. she's an orphaned little girl who witnessed mass death and destruction across westeros before being brainwashed into a murder cult

>euron is just about to attack oldtown
why is he in oldtown if he's going to bring down the wall?


unironically bobby b and cersei were the best for the kingdom. the hog was really the fulcrum the entire kingdom pivoted on

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lol just stab them in the hearts with a dagger, like lmao

because sam currently has the horn of winter and he's in oldtown. it's why the white walkers pursued him north of the wall originally, not because they wanted ginnys baby. euron will blow the horn atop hightower in oldtown after he sacks the place

he will never do that since the books never come out

Jamie and Cersei


Margaery would 100% be the best queen in any situation

tommen too if he didn't get pozzed by religion

>that one autist who refuses to get out of his dilator-ambulator and just runs around with it covering his head and torso. he even eats through the little rifle port
>dont mind johnny tadpole, he's not hurting anyone


King Jorah and Queen Lyneese of course

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Bobby B was terrible at ruling. If he hadn’t gotten BOARED the realm was going to face an economic crisis anyways.

So it’s all an allegory for climate change?
