ITT: Your dads favorite kino

ITT: Your dads favorite kino

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Hey that's one of my dad's favourites too

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My dad almost named me Maximus because of this film
God I wish my mom let him
Would've been way fucking better than the shit I got

Which kino does Any Forums prefer? Master and Commander or Gladiator?

kek, my dad loves this one too. Kino show

what's your name user?

Blade Runner

He loves anything with Bruce Willis

the guns of navarone

it's a pretty cool movie ngl

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>wasn’t born when gladiator came out
Fuck i need to get off this site

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Not Gilbert
But my name is Christian
I would be preferred Chad Maximus over a basic religious name

Didn't know they gave you internet in jail, Chris

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Based Gilbert

I went to a highschool once with a kid named Maximum Johnson

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Toss up between this and Ben Hur

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I don't know if my dad has a favorite one but my grandpa REALLY likes The Bourne Identity, like I think he's seen those at least 150 times each

Why do dads have such good taste bros

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it's one of my favorites too
coincidence mostly, they lived in times when fewer movies were shit
in 40 years, dadcore will be mostly garbage

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My dad loves this one too, mostly Rome-kino in general

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Great score from Zimmer. Now We Are Free is a stand out. Unfortunately he gets imitated so much in other releases, the bombastic themes can seem derivative. It's a baseless criticism though as his original compositions were first. Sad that imitators undermine his originality. Klaus Badelt's Pirates score aped Gladiator and the Inception french horn was whored in every high concept trailer after Inception.