So who won?

So who won?

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Fuck off

Samuel Hyde won!


Idubbbz. Sam Hyde ia a deeply insecure man that can't be sincere for one moment

how does he keep getting away with it

Nobody or both. I found both videos entertaining. Idk why sams viewerbase is saying idubbz tried to punk him. It didnt seem that way to me

God, Sam Hyde is such an unbelievable faggot and piece of shit. I've never seen him not look like a faggot.
I don't actually care that he's into young girls. My problem, more or less, is his treatment of them, his methods, and the fact that, like most internet predators, he goes around the back of parents and tries to lure girls away.
Those who do that have obviously clear malicious intent for the girls. Parents exist to protect their kids from danger, and while sex itself is not the danger, creeps that use and abuse young girls, and then likely discard them when something newer comes along, are a danger. By going directly to a child, you are intentionally bypassing that safety net, and your intentions are clearly harmful. Why else would you not want parental approval first?
I don't have an issue with adults shagging teens, and the concept of age of consent doesn't exactly jive with the rest of human history. But I do believe ultimately parents have the right to regulate it, and going around said parents to have sex with their kids, even as teens, is a violation of their rights and should result in very serious penalties when discovered, even if consensual.
Sam: needs to go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

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I will give the janitor $0 for deleting this thread again

Sam thinks it's creepy to record people secretly:
Sam does it when he fires his employees:

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>Idub wanted to make a doc about Sam Hyde
>Doesn't go the way he wants but still a rollercoaster
>Hyde wants to fuck with idub
> Does just that

Big Beanie Lobby.

Me, the viewer. But actually Sam. Ian looked worse in his own version which is crazy.

who won here bros

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why do sois like Sam Hyde, IDubb, and Tim Pool all love beanies


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make a podcast with these two plus h3h3. call it beanie frenemy

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Ian can’t do an interview to save his life, why spend 10 minutes making it about yourself and alienate Sam?

note to mods*
1. they're toobers so it's related to op
2. its legal as it's allowed on the toob and here considering all the threads about it on /gif/ at cap and archived
3. it's fucking kino

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You're a fucking faggot and a weirdo. If I saw you in person and feared for my safety I would beat your head in like a peanut. FAGGOT.

Hope that helps

Nick's house was fucking huuuge. Holy shit

>he fucked a 16 year old
Is this supposed to be bad? I'm pretty sure 16 is the legal age where he lives.

Stuck in 2001, bald bastards.

that house was super cool. they operate an antiques business. based.

Ian obviously. Sam put his video out quickly because he knew Ian would make a video where he reasonably explained why the "prank" was just a waste of everyone's time and money. Ian's video will be remembered as the canon and will have many times more views, Sam's video will be the wacky sideshow companion video that only people really interested in this (for some reason) will see.

Does Sam Hyde have any fans who aren't underage retards? I think not.

Idubbz is a handsome man that chooses to look like an odd nonce with that patch moustache. Why?

get a life dude. stop thinking about sam hyde 24/7

God she's ugly.

we don't misgender here, chud

If you listen to Nick talk about dealerships and how to manage money you can tell he knows what he's talking about, his house is living proof of it.

Of course he knows what he's talking about, he's a merchant.

its his height, 8ft tall alpha male. women cannot resist

They're both extremely ugly. I'd say everyone lost.

Both won, but Sam's method of "winning" was to make sure he won regardless if iDubbbz lost or won

Sam Hyde was already in the pits of hell and lost everything due to the media's bloodthirsty censorship. But he climbed his way back out.

iDubbbz sure as shit isn't going to knock him down any further.

I think Sam Hyde knew that. So Sam Hyde just used Ian to expose himself to 1 mil+ of iDubbbz's 2016 fanbase who would like that content.

Ian thinks he won because he added the label "Nazi" to Sam Hyde and lectured us on "meta-irony". Maybe in his head he did, but he doesn't realize that his video will only make Sam Hyde popular and spread Alt-Right ideas to his 2016 fans that liked his content.

It's gonna be the fucking Liberals and their nonsensical censorship of anything slightly right to their dogmatized beliefs that normalizes Nazism. Ian is only doing his part.

why are you getting mad at this user? he did nothing wrong. how about direct your anger to the third worlders if you are going to be a little pussy bitch snowflake

Sam should really stop shaving his pubes and glueing them to his face

and the irony is that Idubbz did shock humor similar to Hyde only a couple years ago. He's hypocritical

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>gives us a lecture on irony
>describes sarcasm
He didn't put much effort in did he.

yeah but Ian has a girlfriend now so she's whipped him into beta male shape

He's a weirdo. I have watched his old content since 2014 and he's always been effeminate. To this day, he talks with a cracking voice like he's too scared to speak from the gut like a normal man. He definitely has issues around masculinity.

sarcasm is irony.

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I don't even understand what the drama was about

They both fucked the same bitch and Ian got mad so he made a diss track but Sam fired back and it was litty

>handsome man

Fuck off Ian.