Do weird looking meth dealers really get to date cute arthoe chicks?

do weird looking meth dealers really get to date cute arthoe chicks?

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Girl like bad boys, not creepy nice guys like you.

Yes, especially if they have money like Jessie did.

almost exclusively

if you actually make money from dealing then youre less cucked than a good 50% of men or more, so yes there are a wealth of bad bitches to choose from

>t. incel

how much are we talking here? the average street nigger is making less than minimum wage selling crack

my friend was unemployed and giving himself renal failure he cheated on his arthoe girlfriend of a year with arthoes from savanna on 2 separate occasions. his girlfriend then went on to abort his baby. They really aren't that hard to pull especially if you have drugs

enough to take her on a few dates, shes your girlfriend not your accountant

Real life meth dealers don't look anything like they do on that sanitised sugar coated BS tv show.

>gee I'd be pissed if someone owed me $500
>no $480k
>omg baby lay on your side babes we need to get that money babes uhhh ahhh uhh ahhh

druggie chicks will fuck any ugly bastard for a freebie

bitches love drugs. I got my most amount of pussy when I did coke.


>doing it
>not just supplying the high

coke is based, don’t be a pussy

I knew this scrawny 5'6 drug dealer with chipped teeth that dated a 5'9 Jersey girl who kinda looked like Hanna Hilton. She definitely never did drugs but she drank heavily but they always struck me as an odd pairing because he was lame as fuck.

Attached: hanna.jpg (516x1048, 69.35K)

This and this

Drugs are the easiest way to get free pussy. I don’t do them but can attest to seeing it happen all the time.

>weird looking
Aaron Paul was handsome as fuck before he went bald and face went bloated.

Enjoy your fent OD.

Drugs plus the whole bad boy thing goes a long way with younger girls. Pussy was unbelievably easy when I was selling weed in high school and blow in college.

as raunchy as the show is its vanilla bullshit
real methheads let cockroaches eat their babies

renal failure and abortions well i'm sold where to i light up lol

some girls like drugs. dating drug dealer provides her with free drugs.

Yes but the xanax and adderall addiction is not worth it

That's nowhere near enough money to make you attractive to women

>best friend dates girl
>he sells adderall on the side, sometimes to her
>she unlocks his door and steals his adderall while hes at work
>he has a camera in his living room and recorded it
>gets a restraining order against her
>btw shes a single mom

Literally nobody in this thread has even seen drugs.
Not Any Forums

Drug dealers usually get women but part of this is just that the type of guys who become drug dealers are typically naturally attractive to women

Jesse is also not weird looking, he was very good looking in early seasons apart from being a manlet

cool story, fag