BAKA that there are actually people who think the kid should pick left over right

BAKA that there are actually people who think the kid should pick left over right

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they're called women

>Yeed picks the saber
>"I see that you are learning well. This was a test. You passed."
>lets him have the chainmail too
Make it happen.

Didn't seem very Lukelike to make him parrot the old order's dogma as he never followed it when it came to Leia, Han, and his father. Not to mention Mara Jade in the EU.

I still can't get over the fact that Grogu was a youngling during Order 66 and still is after the fall of the empire at age fifty. Because the actual Yoda started teaching Jedi at a hundred.

The right answer is probably both because that's what Luke did.

arent jedi supposed to make their sabers?

Luke Skywalker is the Grandmaster now so he doesn't have to hold that as an absolute requirement. Besides, he was given Anakins lightsaber by Obi-Wan, so he probably feels its perfectly in line.

Also Yeed needs lightsaber training. So even if he makes his own unique lightsaber later, he needs to know how to use them.

He didn't seem to be with luke when he was training ben so he will probably pick the shirt.

Yes but they supply some too because remember that Anakin and Obi-Wan were thrown new ones (former’s was broken and patter’s was removed) to use in Episode II when the convoy showed up. Of course this too is correct .

why would Luke have Yoda's saber

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because it doesn't fucking matter eat what you're being fed. You're Disney's bitch.

As a right of passage but they can get replacements, also the whole "the mines were destroyed" and such it's not like going to homedepot to get all the pieces

I really wish the steaming pile of shit that is the sequel trilogy got retconned to be in an alternate universe. It destroys the OG characters and the new characters garbage.

Why wouldn't he? When Yoda died Luke could've picked up all the stuff Yoda had in his hut.

all fans of star wars agree

Yoda didn't have his saber anymore by TESB. He lost it fighting Sidious in RotS and it's probably been lying on the ground there ever since.
Although I remember some side material saying Sidious actually kept Yoda's saber as a trophy, so either way, Luke would have had to first take it back from Sidious or that place where they fought.

I guess it's a story for another time.

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i hear that this is actually the plan

>source; trust me bro

i said "i hear" you dumbass nigger

when they need a new hilt to sell in star wars land they will have him make his own

He obviously will pick left and that's how Grogu won't be Luke's first real apprentice, making a room with his failure with Ben.

You hear from who? doomcuck? shut your bitch ass up

What's this from? I'd pick the chainmail. Fuck Soi Wars


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the results of your test are in, sir

I'm very sorry, sir, but it says here you are retarded.

yes when there was an academy and you could take a field trip to ilum but that's no longer the case

>reddit spacing

>i know nothing but reddit




