What is the worst thing that has ever happened to Star Wars and why is it Dave Filoni?

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to Star Wars and why is it Dave Filoni?

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In retrospect, Dave wasn't as bad as things could get, but his specific brand of autism was definitely an issue for anybody that was a fan at the time, and continues to be to this day.

what's wrong with dave?

His literal obsession with orange buttcheeks
It's gone too far this time

Mediocre writer that can't elevate Star Wars material past inherent childishness and unnecessary cameos.

Which actress do you think Filoni envisions Ashoka to be?

He's also a complete lackey of an individual, willing to tow any line as long as he gets to be involved in any part of Star Wars. I don't think he's ever had an original idea in his life.


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I like how his shit keeps breaking Disney's canon, TCW used to do the same.

This guy looks like he eats children


Only their foreskin, only their foreskin.

Makes sense, he has an obsession with wolves.


>What is the worst thing that has ever happened to Star Wars
JewJew, and its not even close.
He ruined Trek and the moment I heard he got his hands on Wars I knew it was over.

TFA is pretty good, though.

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hes a great writer and you have no arguments aganst it.

You have sincerely shit taste if you believe that.
