Monica Vitti dead at age 90

Attached: MV5BNzU4MDBiNDktYTIyNy00OGFiLWI3OTEtM2U5YmNlYmZkMmJhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUzNjQ5MDk@._V1_.jpg (1719x1031, 205.89K)

Pleb mods won't sticky this




F. Imagine a loved one having Alzheimer's for over 30 years.

Stick it, Jannie you fucking dumb niggers

literally who?

my grandparents named my mom after her
riposa in pace

Ah yes, the good ol' Monica Vitti, or as I like to call her, literally who

literally who

do you like italian comedies?


more like monica shitti

Not so Vitti after all huh

She has a great screen presence.

no sticky for you


Imagine being this uncultured.
Kill yourselves, Marvel watching philistines.

Anyone seen il cilindo?

Disgusting subhuman rancid cum socks.

Sticky it mods, you fucking plebeians!

I suggest you Dramma della Gelosia (awful english title: The Pzza Triangle) and Amore Mio Aiutami, although a LOT will be lost in translation...

One of best looking actress of all times.


Didn't get a sticky:
>Anna Karina
>Anita Ekberg
>Sue Lyon
>Doris Day
>Diana Rigg
>Lauren Bacall
>Maureen O'Hara
>Olivia de Havilland
>Anne Wiazemsky
>Mary Tyler Moore
>Danny Aiello
>Michael Cimino
>Agnes Varda
>Harold Ramis
>Dennis Hopper
>Chuckle Brother
>Bruno Ganz
>Bud Spencer
>Carol Channing
>Albert Finney
>Zsa Zsa Gábor
>Mike Nichols
>Milos Forman
>Seijun Suzuki
>Nicolas Roeg
>Brian Dennehy
>Jonathan Demme
>Jacques Rivette
>Andrzej Wajda
>Andrzej Zulawski
>Vilmos Szigmond
>Ettore Scola
>Abbas Kiarostami
>Tobe Hooper
>Jeanne Moreau
>Miguel Ferrer
>Sam Shepard
>Martin Landau
>Juraj Herz
>Vittorio Taviani
>Michel Piccoli
>Nelson Pereira dos Santos
>Ermanno Olmi
>Shinobu Hashimoto
>Neil Simon
>Scott Wilson
>John Singleton
>Stanley Donen
>Bernardo Bertolucci
>John Mahoney
>John Dunsworth
>Don Rickles
>Tim Conway
>Diana Rigg
>Cloris Leachman
>Glen Campbell
>Scott Walker
>Robert Forster
>Rip Taylor
>Mr. Peanut
>Sam Lloyd
>Terry Jones
>Troy Sneed
>Kelly Preston
>Stuart Gordon
>Dakota Skye
>Rocky Johnson
>John Witherspoon
>E-I-E-I Annoyed Grunt's 20 year anniversary

Got a sticky:
>Gay nigger from HBO's vampire soap opera
>Gay nigger who made gaming reaction videos
>Gay nigger only known for a black fantasy superhero flick
>Mom from some old American sitcom
>Dad from some 80's kid comedy
>Dog from Bush's Baked Beans commercial
>Junkie retard only known for some faggy normie "musical" show
>Billy Crystal
>George Clooney
>Midget from Austin Powers
>Old Jew from the Battletoads show
>"pl0x dont spoil Endgay or else"
>Logan Paul and KSI
>Some K-POP slut
>Some dude who made a video game cheat code
>Some retired game show host
>Some gay TLoU2 memes


>>Scott Walker
damn thats sad

Mods are truly the lowest form of life, i don't think that killing them would be a sin in the eyes of God.