Why do autistic people hate singing in movies?

Why do autistic people hate singing in movies?

I thought it was only me, but I had a discussion with a hunch of nerds and they all said they hated songs in disney cartoons, or cringed so hard they had to leave the room

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that's weird considering everyone involved in musical theatre is majorly non meme-ly autistic

Because it seems fake as fuck, even in the context of a movie

This. It takes me out of the story I just don't care for it

for me the "autistics" are the ones who enjoy all the singing. It's so fake and cringeworthy for me

>Let's take the plot to a screeching halt in order to dwell on one character moment expressed through a incredibly corny and bombastic showtune number
Yeah only autists who are only able to like music that has no sense of subtly enjoy musicals

I like a good musical number, but the problem is that a musical number has to be GOOD to not feel like an embarassing waste of time.

I am autistic. When I was a kid musical numbers felt bizarre and I didn't understand why they were doing that since people don't usually burst into song irl. I have come to accept and enjoy it but it took time.

So I'm autistic huh. Figures.

Movies aren’t documentaries, you voyeurs. Are you incapable of watching a play or listening to music too?

It isn't autistic people thing you dumb fuck. It is insecure people thing.

I'm what you would call a "nerd", and I fucking hate musical numbers because they make me so aware of how socially awkward I am. I have ADHD and I don't bite my tongue, control my behaviour and thing twice about what I say 100% of the time when I'm around other people, I end up blurting out stupid shit that I will cringe at for the next 30 years whenever I'm alone and remember all the stupid things I've said.

I hate musical numbers because of two things:
A. In my mind I equate spontaneously bursting into a song with me saying stupid shit if I don't control myself, and the second hand embarrassment of the mental image of myself singing and dancing around with people watching is killing me.
B. I'm envious of people who don't cringe at themselves all the fucking time, and can actually enjoy being spontaneous and having fun with other people in ways that I feel I would be super cringy if I did it.

I hate my life and I hate myself. Just fucking let me enjoy media without being reminded how much of a fucking failure I am all the time.

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brainless retard moron piece of shit idiot son of a fucking smelly hateful whore asshole dickhead faggot

Yeah and you’re worried people will think you’re gay for watching a musical. I bet you have an extremely hard time listening to music sung by women too unless it’s a foreign girl or some video game music already that’s part of your hobby. Like you would listen to music from Bayonetta in private but you could absolutely not be comfortable listening to Cher

It's boring if the song is boring. idk I don't watch musicals but I'll listen to Disney songs on YouTube occasionally

You know some people actually do sing in public or at work. I imagine you find that really cringe too

The only people that like the musical bits are the ones that were indoctrinated by disney. They have a lot of other bad ideas floating around in their heads as well but they, themselves, will never make the connection that it was disneyshit that turned them into fags

What grown adult watches anything produced by Disney?

I watched Alice (1958) a few weeks ago, it was great

Sorry but the autistic is still you in this situation


I disliked it as a kid until I watched the Blues Brothers and learned to appreciate it.

Only faggots like musicals

>Yeah only autists who are only able to like music that has no sense of subtly enjoy musicals
You fucked that sentence up really badly.