You must sacrifice one's entire catalogue to allow the other to continue making films until they're at least 80

You must sacrifice one's entire catalogue to allow the other to continue making films until they're at least 80.
Which do you choose?

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What has Nolan contributed to film? Where is his Pulp Fiction? Reservoir Dogs? Kill Bill? Tarantino has had a lasting impact on dialogue, action, cinematography, storytelling. What has Nolan's work influenced?

Aside from this i want squentin sbarantino to make another mob film

>Tarantino has had a lasting impact on dialogue, action, cinematography, storytelling
Wtf are you talking about? He literally just copies other films, so even if you erase Tarantino you would still have those films. That's the issue with a pastiche filmmaker, nothing of value would be lost of you erase his catalogue.

Tarantino just because I'd love to see a timeline where we didn't have a bunch of his copies pop up in the 90's.

Tarantino's contribution is literally worse than Kevin Smith's.

Tarantula 2bh

its funny, both of them fall into the "if you seen one of their films, you've seen them all" category

Unhesitatingly kill Cuckoldino.

Is Quentin doing a subtle duckface?

>if you've seen The Prestige you've seen Memento, Dunkirk and TDK

id kill nolan of course

his only good movie is inception and even that wouldnt make it in top 5 among tarantula kinos

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Nolan's shittiest movie is still better than Tarantino's best.

which button makes them both never happen

Thats just how his weird face works

The Prestige alone shits on literally everything Tarantino's done.

Sacrifice both for David Lynch.

Tarantino is a hack and you’re an idiot. Contributions to dialogue LOL

Nolan's only good film was Following

At least Tarantula is not pretentious, he is selfish and he thinks he is the hot shit but he knows he makes shlock, where as Nolan thinks he is the second comming of Jesus

Let me guess, they are movies with a guy who is supposed to be serious and stoic, whose wife or children are dead, made in a non-linear style, with brown and blue color grading and where the end is le twist

You know, if you use a wide-enough description you can do this with every filmmaker on the planet.

Yeah that doesn't describe TDK or Dunkirk.

Stop psycho-analysing filmmakers fag. Nolan himself has admitted he makes commercial blockbusters.


You know Scorcese makes films about mobsters? Wes Anderson films have great symmetry? I am such a genius. Faggots like him belong in reddit.

kill Nolan because I prefer edgy schlock with feet and saying nigger to works of retarded autist trying to be ambitious

Cutie vows to only make one more movie for his whole life (or canonize his actual first movie as a fuck you) so picking him is just the worse financial investment especially with Batman on the line

I can't think of an easier decision in my life right now

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