Is this what the restaurant industry is really like?

Is this what the restaurant industry is really like?

Attached: waiting.jpg (1536x2048, 631.5K)

yes, by the t

Pretty much

Too many functional people



Anytime im at a party and think to myself "wow this guy is a cokehead scumbag" i ask them where they work and its always a resturant.

Looking at reviews, it appears this movie pisses off the 'woke' crowd hah

what a classic, they really don't make em like this anymore

This movie taught me not to eat at shitty chain restaurants because the staff is bound to be miserable cunts who will fuck with your food

Is this what the restaurant industry is really like?

Attached: boilingpoint.jpg (1000x1479, 180.68K)

Why did they do such a bad Photoshop job on everyone in that poster?

i was a waiter and bartender for years. it's pretty close. the thing about coming to eat before closing time, never do that, if you want good food.

Yes. Especially non corporate places.

No it's how the coworkers are like. They really go the bust boys and manager spot on the most. Seriously why is there always a whiny bitch boy complaining about unsatisfied is life is? Every job!

we need a 4K remastered. anybody watched the sequel?

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>ah bloo bloo don't come in starting at an arbitrary time during our posted hours because I wanna go home earlier

Why does the American restaurant industry have so many retarded unwritten rules?

Yes and it's not as good as the first one but still pretty funny in a sad way.
Also dibs on this sexy little mean bitch

Attached: KRs4iZA.png (250x141, 66.23K)

Yes but it’s obviously over the top

>abloo abloo abloo i wan qween mummy to shid in me mouf simpuhl as

I haven't seen the movie in years.
Did it have a 31 year old single mom almost high school dropout waitress who constantly complains about being broke when she's not talking about her latest $2000 tattoo?
I've worked in four restaurants and every one has had some version of her.

She looks like she could give a zozzle of a cbt sesh

love this movie


They're all spoiled fucking brats who think they're important here because they get automatic tips for doing the job they're supposed to do.

surface level, kinda. Actually needs more chaotic relationships back there.