Post your favorite horror film. No judging from me. I just need good horror movies.

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I don't watch horror movies

>your favorite horror film.
The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The trump presidency documentary

Alien. Honourable mentions to The Shining.

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I like Lake Mungo, the Shining, and Picnic at Hanging Rock.

Day of the Dead

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Probably the shining

Stop right there!
You gotta know right now?
Before we go any further!
Do I love you?
Will I love you forever?

don't listen to the trolls when they show up and start hyping up Lake Mungo, it's trash

13 Ghosts, I think.
I watch a lot of horror, but the most fun I've had has been while watching and rewatching 13 Ghosts.
Either that or Reanimator.

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Maximum Overdrive

Hell House

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I'll watch this tonight and if it isn't at least a 7/10 I'll come to your house at midnight and sneed inside you

For me? Its house of the devil

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The Thing

calling Kolobos a 7/10

sleepaway Camp

best romero film

Nightmare on Elm Street 3

This one is scary af for me. Literally didn't sleep for 2 days.

>just moved in to new home like the characters so it is more relatable
>scary shit happens in daytime (gives me anxiety because daytime should be safe damn it)
>can't even see the demon
>documentary style, makes it more realistic

Only watched it once.

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