Is this movie any good?

Is this movie any good?

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Forgotten disappointment.

I watched it once and forgot about it.
It's ok, nothing special but it's not bad either.

I didn't care for it

Yes, it is a good movie. I enjoy it. The only thing that I don't like about it is that one scene, but other than that it is a good movie.

the whole jimmy hoffa hour was fucking kino everything else to mediocre/relatively good

It's Netflix. Pretty damn impressive how they can ruin a Scorcese movie.

>longer than Return of the King
fucking feels it too

I think it really captures the mentality of an italian, "it is what it is", the average italian is not in the Mafia but is very likely to steer in that direction, they may use and abuse their power but when it comes to do actual good things or take responsability things are somehow always out of their hands, "it was always done this way, is the rules, ask the office manager".

They can't help but lie to themselves, feels like living in a country that has given up, but eh what do I know in the end is not like I live in true shitholes like Sierra Leone, I still got regular internet, running water and electricity, but is still a supposedly civilized country that never recovered from the recession, where poverty had already been rising and is still rising, and they stopped blaming it on the recession when they felt enough time had passed they could get away with it.

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*Slow kick


It's fine, not Scorcese's best and it really lets you know the actors are a bunch of old farts now but it's okay

It insists upon itself.

It's OK. A 6/10 movie that's basically a victory lap for some ageing stars.
De Niro's fake stutter will drive you absolutely fucking crazy though.

Is somehow unironically better than Casino and Goodfellas but is still bad, like all Scorsese Mafia movies.

>Robert De Niro

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>"You people.."
>"You don't let another man wait"
>"You wear a suit for a meeting"
A lot of keks were had. Pacino stole it.

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