Aliens destroyed the franchise beyond repair

Aliens destroyed the franchise beyond repair.
Alien 3 was a return to form but unfortunately the masses were already poisoned by epic fast xenos, queens, action, a light tone and similar garbage..

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your a retard

>Aliens destroyed the franchise beyond repair.
I think that Aliens is fun, but I kinda agree. Alien made it seem like the creatures maybe have human-level intelligence. In any case, it did not place any upper bound on their intelligence. Aliens turned them into something similar to Jurassic Park velociraptors - basically fast, intimidating animals but nothing that a properly prepared and large military team (as opposed to the one that the company actually sent) couldn't easily destroy.

daily reminder the first entire hour of Aliens theatrical cut contains literally zero action. One full hour exactly. Unless you count the very beginning dream sequence when the head pushes up from her stomach. Other than that a glass of water falls on the floor and thats about it. Zero action. One full hour.

Alien 3 sucked. It tried to do something different, but ended up being extremely derivative. Better to have characters going on adventures while the aliens are around as a threat than doing the slasher thing over and over again. That's boring.

Aliens was like Terminator 2. An even better movie than the first.

I agree with this. Alien was all about the big unstoppable horrendous monster that took an entire movie to deal with. Round 2 comes along and they're just annoying cannon fodder.

And it's worth it

The first alien was smart because it was on its own and didn’t have a hive.
So it had to be extra careful to not be killed.
In Aliens they were drones being mass produced by the Queen, so didn’t care for their safety.

Wah wah so wtf is supposed to happen when an animal with teeth and claws goes against men with 21st century firepower

And I think Newt runs across the hall and someone may have fired a shot at her I dont remember. At most the first hour has literally no action except "false action." Then what I think a lot of people also dont seem to appreciate is that once the action starts, even most of that is actually "anti-action." A lot of the first action scene if not most of it actually plays out on the tiny black and white blurry tvs. So its ironic whenever someone criticizes this movie as action or whatever. Cameron was well aware of this issue and dealt with it like the literal mater that he is. Both him and Gale Anne Hurd who is responsible for the literal masterpiece of the theatrical cut.

In the first one they had no guns. In the second one they have state of the art guns and it barely helps.
They still get massacred by the xenos.
That was what Aliens was about.


The marines get absolutely dumpstered both times they get in a firefight with the aliens
Using an elevator and cutting the power is is more intelligent than anything its shown explicitly doing in Alien. Alien made it seem more possibly malevolent or generally characterized though
>t. Fundamentally misunderstands what made Alien stand out among slashers of its day

I am enjoying all of these Xenomorph porn threads

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A squad of 10 men sent on a suicide mission against over 200 xenos in an enclosed enviroment with lots of hiding places and no straight fields of fire, not able to use their weapons in the main engagement due to a reactor and led by a green LT who instead of using drones or a droid or even a fucking flying camera to scout the main area, sends the entire team to their deaths without backup and then panics.

Even with all that the marines still killed over 100 xenos.

>Even with all that the marines still killed over 100 xenos.
citation needed
And the sentry guns dont count, cut scenes arent canon

it's a disney shill thread
shit on cameron in one thread, shit on scott's prometheus and covenant in another
all to imply the upcoming reboot will be good and you definitely should be hyped for it and watch it

I personally think the Queen (whilst cool) ruined the mythos of the Alien. In the first movie you dont know if they are a creation of the space jockey or just occupy their ship. They seem to self procreate and take on characteristics of their host. I think its scarier to know that these creatures are self perpetuating than reducing them to the likes of ants of bees in a colony.

Count the number of on screen kills that can be seen and the number of alien screams off screen.

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>Using an elevator and cutting the power is is more intelligent than anything its shown explicitly doing in Alien
Hmmm, good point actually. I had forgotten about those parts.

Alien 3 sucked and was a rehash of the first two but it wasn't the worst either just a 4 out 10 film.
Aliens is good, and Alien is one of the greatest horror films ever made but Alien 3 will always be lesser in comparison. There's just not as much sense of character dynamics in that film like in Alien, the best characters fucking die first and it's just left a void.

>It tried to do something different, but ended up being extremely derivative.
Aliens did the same thing though.
I'd take Alien 3 over Aliens, just because of the bleak atmosphere. It's a suitable ending to Ripley's story; it was never going to be a happy ending. And Resurrection simply doesn't exist. That poor excuse for fanfic isn't canon.

I think the point is they are adaptive and the Queen sort of hits home how much of a threat they are to humanity.

i kinda agree. the introduction of the queen fucked up the lore even more.

Alien sucked. Maybe it was great at the time, but it's slow and boring as shit. Alien 3 is like Alien but with better effects and better pace. I will agree that they do some retarded things.

A queen also suggests a hierarchy (which suggests diffrent levels of power or importance) whilst the Alien the first movie could craft eggs out of its victims. It makes it easier to see them as just throwaway or cannon fodder (it also rips off Starship Troopers).

It’s implied that it cuts the power in the first one too. And they flood the ship in insurrection. The aliens being smarter than the crew realizes is a recurring theme

Alien had better production design and cinematography than Aliens but thats literally it. Which isnt surprising since thy had fucking HR Giger and Ridley literally and admittedly hid from Yaphet and instead of controlling this shitshow he literally diddled his bulbs. And it shows. At both ends. The movie looks really nice and the rest is a shitshow.

Fuck off Cameronfags shitting on the first movie.

The legendary Harry Dean Stanton is reduced to a literal clown while Yaphet strong arms the entire production and Sigourney is literally physically abused by Cartwright because Ridley literally cannot handle his own production.

Are you a faggot or a woman or something? You think being a horror gives a movie some kind of depth?