What is the movie equivalent to the just fuck my shit up meme?

What is the movie equivalent to the just fuck my shit up meme?

Attached: UTeY6Jd__400x400.jpg (400x400, 20.54K)

tomb raider

Attached: stick-of-gum-raider.jpg (640x960, 84.77K)

Attached: gb_001.png (1680x1122, 3.07M)

>tfw you gifted with a two-head
>it looks like this
Nigga better off bald

The Matrix 4

The Justice League theatrical cut

The Justice League Zach Snyder cut

Attached: 808.jpg (600x373, 41.11K)

Escape from LA

Attached: 1642508986750.jpg (970x595, 309.3K)


Realistically speaking, what does he think he's going for when he asks for that haircut?

fuck you I love Escape from LA. pretty accurate too
correct answer

This is still fucking hilarious all these years later. Why would you willing walk around with that on your head?

Pic related
runner-up: Battlefield Earth

The Mummy

oops, here is pic related

Attached: MV5BYjQxNmM5ODItMGM3Yi00N2VlLTkwNTEtNDZkNzUyYzA3MmIxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_.jpg (930x1441, 450.07K)

>can’t even spell his name right
the absolute state of reddit

Yeah, the trick to remembering how to spell it is that it rhymes with HACK

Come to Brazil

look what they did to my boyy

Ghostbusters (woke LGTB version)