You just know

You just know

Attached: kronk.png (1216x720, 1.42M)

oh yeah it's all coming together

I heard tell that emperors new groove is big in the tranny circles.

I heard tell that emperors new groove is big in the jewish circles

You just know that a husband and wife have sex together? Yes. that's generally how it works

That's Pacha's wife, not Kronks

Well you're right, it is
now I feel like a fool

She was already pregnant in that movie

>I will never do this to a woman
I've never wanted kids before but now I do. I wanna start a family with a nice woman. I'm a 28 yr old virgin.

Attached: Chicha.jpg (673x969, 91.65K)

Yeah, I just know that she fucks her son.

Attached: point.png (718x405, 238K)

If watching a cartoon makes you suddenly want children then it's probably for the best that you die alone. Meanwhile I make my wife's belly huge every other year, three boys so far my dude.

Fun fact: She's only 24.

How old are you.

No, it's not the cartoon. I've felt like this ever since I hit my late 20s. Never felt self confident enough to get a gf. I thought of myself as unloveable very early in my life and made my peace with it.

Suddenly, I'm getting this intense feeling that's telling me to get a wife and kids and provide for them. I don't know the first thing about relationships so I doubt it would happen. Also I'll be 29 this year. Women my age are already married and even if I had a kid with one, they'd turn out autistic because it's a geriatric pregnancy. The time has passed.

I hope this feeling goes away though. I don't think I can stand to live the rest of my life with it.

Attached: 73e-1.gif (750x750, 1.87M)

im 32

Mail order bride from Eastern Europe?

Nah, I want some who actually loves me. Not someone who tolerates me because of my money and secretly hates me.

I really want a husband who wants to have kids, from what I know most guys just go along with whatever their wife wants to have kids or not. I want a guy who wants to be a father and will be invested in it. Unironically hit me up if you are willing to get to know each other and see if this goes anywhere.

different user here, but if youre feeling down, the album you posted is one of the best out there to listen to while down/depressed. just my opinion


she'd be down, but Kronk is too pure for that

2814 the birth of a new day

I thought Kronk was Yzma's boytoy

kindly open bobs madam