What movies can I watch to distract from the honking?

What movies can I watch to distract from the honking?

Attached: honk.jpg (780x739, 316.65K)

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some lefty kino about workers rights

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muh fascism is so tiresome

don't they understand that fascism is an economic model their socialist control is beginning to resemble?

>give themselves ear damage to spite a few libtards


Are you being serious right now?

I'm not even against vaccines but this is honestly mind breaking liberals, especially redditor and twitter libs. They've gone so far off the deep end that they think working class truckers who don't want vaccine mandates are somehow the fascists. Oh also racists and misogynists too I guess, why not.

It's fucking unreal.

this issue was never about the being anti vaccine, it was about mandates preventing people from working should they not take a vaccine

Yeah but if the Left acknowledges that fact then they can't just label their opposition as "anti-vaxxers" and other emotionally-charged labels. And who would want that?

I would think normal people.

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It's pretty glorious to watch an entire ideology collapsing
Conservatives are really having a temper tantrum and siding with Nazis because they've doubled-down to this point

>somehow the fascists
kek they're fucking waving around Nazi flags retard

this is low effort bait,

It's embarrassing.
They don't believe in anything unless it's garbage that some grifter pushes out at them.

You will never be taken seriously ever again

>nooooooooooo the Nazi waving flag is good actually
Actually kill yourself, you putrid faggot.

>Less than 5% of the truckers
>Half murrica plants
when you're a minority percentage you have to appeal to humanities. they don't. the end. most embarrassing protest in world history.

Attached: MayorFreehaven.gif (160x192, 11.19K)

But I'm not Justin Trudeau?

Is he anti-mandate?
Then yes, he's "good". At least better than you authoritarian retards.