What do you normally eat and drink while watching kinos?

what do you normally eat and drink while watching kinos?

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Small amount of McDonald’s

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat a double helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

just ate two cheese, onion and tomato sandwhiches with bread i made myself now i'm going to go jerk it and then watch FOTR again all in all a good day

Your mom’s ass

I dunno, that seems like a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an entire movie's length. I'd prefer a denser snack.

I just finished two of these bad dogs. I used a coupon to get the second one for a buck.
Sitting down to watch a movie now. What movie should I watch? Recommend me something scary.

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Mcdonalds fat content is super high. If you can eat all that without feeling sick you're probably full on burgerfied.

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It's a fairly small amount of food for an average-sized person. The only part that'd be hard to handle is 4 drinks.

I really wish I could go back to a time in my life when having this food in front of me would’ve made me so simply happy. A time before responsibility, before jobs, before fucked up relationships. A time when I can just eat this and watch some Kino

I'm drinking Wild Turkey and doing a Bourne marathon currently.

I'm about to cook up some burgers myself with swiss cheese and sauted onions and mushrooms. With a baked parsnip as a side.

And I'm going to watch that gook zombie show and enjoy and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

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jump off a bridge you fucking loser

If you ate all that in one sitting you would feel like shit.

>I miss being a stupid kid with no standards
Looks like you still have a lot of growing up to do.

Uncalled for. We’re all buds here

it's only natural that one would look back fondly on his formative years

only if they are a loser that should jump off a bridge

that's certainly harsh

Stfu faggot. He didn’t deserve that

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That is easily over your daily caloric allowance unless you're a 7' tall bodybuilder. And that's one meal. And something like 300g of FAT lmaoo.

i could eat all of that minus one of the drinks if i had been fasting for a day

yeah that was really unnecessary bro.

Seems kinda small for an average-sized person.

I wouldn’t say?

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ya like callin your sandwiches bad dogs huh? what did they do wrong

Could an average person eat this, if they prepared for a week straight of semi-fasting in an attempt to pull it off?

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