Capitalism is... le good

>capitalism is... le good
>why? because.... ugh.... um... because I said so, ok?

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unexpected reaction to stumbling on what made America great in the first place. that jew knew the evils of progressivism

leftists are infantile by nature

>>why? because
Because markets and price signaling are the best thing we have for solving the coordination problem of economics. That's why North Korea can't even make fingernail clippers.

Sounds like you got BTFOed from being the grave and just made a post to see resonates make you feel good about your failure.

Now go walk the dogs.

Decades later OP is still butthurt about being put in his place

>not liking this kino


Why is every single tranny a communist? Any Forums is full of libertarians but has multiple political ideologies, but troons all seem to gravitate towards communism.

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>Free to choose
>It was primarily a response to an earlier landmark book and television series The Age of Uncertainty, by the noted economist John Kenneth Galbraith.
So it's two Kikes going at each other, how are these beneficial towards me?

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>lifts literally billions out of poverty
>changes human history from thousands of years of suffering to quick advancement and previously unseen widespread prosperity
>still gets shit on by morons

Attached: quizzical.webm (404x368, 2.2M)

Because people gravitate to the club that is most similar to the type of person they are. I’d bet the house on the fact 90% of people who say profess to believe in a specific economic system don’t have a macroecon 101 level understanding, let alone competency in personal finance principles like taxes.

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>What is Dengism?
The green revolution (fertilizers) and medical advancements did a lot of heavy lifting for worldwide advancement. Capitalism played a part in those. fr fr no cap.

but surely you need some moderation? You can't have corps flooding your country with foreigners because they want cheap labor or radically transforming your culture because it creates better consumers/workers. I don't have a problem with the free market but people who take it to autistic the-free-market-will-fix-it extremes are complete pieces of shit. You need to clip the balls of big capital when it starts to threaten the interests of the majority

This, but capitalism should be regulated more. Free market capitalism has its issues and as of now we are starting to truly experience them. First of all, I think that media should be the first one to be regulated, at its current stage it creates a lot of harm and polarization, it's still a propaganda machine. Lying and systematical opinion forming should be illegal, at least for media entities and politicians. Secondly, there should be more regulations to avoid monopolies and to support smaller operators. Lastly, there should be more environmental regulations.

>poverty still exists
>all capitalism does is create an unnecessary divide between rich and poor
y'all stupid

I didn't know landlords invented vaccines.


Note: I only say Based towards things I agree upon because I'm too stupid to formulate a proper response or at this case an agreement.

It’s bullshit because people get into these economics arguments and don’t even define what they believe is a good outcome. Personally I’m beginning to think the thing that gives purpose to human life is meaningful struggle. But there are people who just think comfort is the pinnacle of quality of life. For others it’s success relative to their peers, in which case it wouldn’t really matter how many people have been raised out of poverty if there’s people with significantly more.

thanks for contributing to this on topic thread.

Here, have a documentary recommendation.

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>Why is every single tranny a communist?
I think for every tranny communist there's also a tranny libertarian

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>I don’t want enough
>I want as much as the other guy

Because it has created tons of wealth and has lifted billions from poverty and starvation

It’s literally the best system we have yet come up With for productivity

if humans get past this we're going to look back on capitalism like what the fuck were we doing

The Soviets had a higher caloric intake than Americans.


>as of now we are starting to truly experience them
Fucking how? And who should regulate it, the government? Don't make me laugh.

You are literally retarded if you believe that nonsense

>the country famed for being fat was consuming less calories than the society union who had literal famines in the 1950’s

You should honestly kill yourself

Lol. Same with abortion. Or eating meat. You're 20 and retarded


Note: I only say Based in this case in order to thank you for (You) and your glorious note that you left there to make your use of the term Based clear.

vodka has a lot of calories.

The west was always going to out innovate and develop the soviet sphere as long as their scientists kept fleeing to the west.

I'm fine with moderation.

Sad that such a simple concept is beyond you.

>You can't have corps flooding your country with foreigners because they want cheap labor or radically transforming your culture because it creates better consumers/workers.
Same thing was being said when your ancestors came here.