Any good steampunkinos?

Any good steampunkinos?

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that's hardly steampunk and that game was shit

I will beat the chud out of you

literally, and I mean literally, "WHITE PEOPLE BAD", the game.
But it looks good.

Steamboy (2004)

Wait a minute... That card...


Pretty sure the game was "RACIST PEOPLE BAD" you chud. Go touch some grass sweaty.

>start Burial at Sea
>BS: Infinite game play starts
>drop it
I just want to enjoy rapture

Attached: morning in richland.webm (960x408, 2.95M)

Steampunk is such a dishonest genre. Where's the mohawks? The ripped sleeves? The mosh pits?

yeah burial at sea was shit, IDK how they praise it too much. I guess they're just coping

April and the Extraordinary World


pretty sure the affix of punk is to describe the alternative dominating aesthetic
sky captain and the world of tomorrow isn't steampunk, but it's kino

I don't know, I don't even think steampunk makes it on the punk-o-meter it's so not punk. Whats it rebelling against? Electricity?

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this isn't remotely steampunk

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Jesus, what tryhard 15 year old tool wrote this shit

Steam punk is gay as fuck. People look like faggots with their big hats and stupid goggles or whatever. Fucking tranny faggot kys.
Now cyberpunk, that's where it's at (not the tranny faggot recent atrocity of course). I'm talking patrician cyberpunk, shit you zoomers could even understand. God I hate zoomers so much. Imagine cutting their throats open then caving their skulls in with a hammer, that would be the best.

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steam punk doesn't have to be gay but it is because of how it's done.

Tell me one good steam punk thing then that is gay as fuck.


But you have to admit... it is the healthiest way to prepare punk

just the tv show the wild wild west as influence on the genre.

Fuck off back to redit, idiot.

is the golden compass classed as steampunk?

Sorry only Japan can nail steampunk

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stuff I've invented in my head.
there was a chinese movie that did it ok. it wasn't the best but it was decent. it was called like Tai Chi something. I've seen individual examples not in film that prove it doesn't have to be garbage. It's just steam punk film makers always prioritize making a steampunk "aesthetic" instead of thinking about how the aesthetic could come to be rationally then creating the item with the rules in mind. they're probably just not smart enough to do that.

Steampunk can either be soi as hell or fantasic when done right.

The only steampunk kino ever made was a videogame called Arcanum, which had some brilliant plot elements like
>a technologically advanced civilization that was destroyed and is now forgotten
>conflict between tolkien-fantasy races because humans achieved steam technology
And the kinoest of all:
>gnomes control politics and are breeding half-ogres in an unscrupulous medical experiment to use them as bodyguards

I don't see a film/tv steampunk kino ever happening, too many pitfalls, too little mainstream interest in an overly aestheticist concept.

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