Why did they want to kill him for his report on minorities?

Why did they want to kill him for his report on minorities?

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Well you see, despite being only 13% of the pop-


After extensive research ot was found that iq is tied directly to gen...

Great film.

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he told the truth

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Best Tom kino

FYI the movie is free to watch on Internet Archive. Not sure why.

Was this the most high profile Cruise movie?
'Eyes Wide Shut' was never a blockbuster and 'Top Gun' is Eighties Cheese. 'Last Samurai' is kinda shitty. Maybe this movie is the most acceptable one to be recognized as a pc blockbuster to like.

Was this the last decent Spielberg flick?

Mission impossible. That’s basically his legacy at this point, along with risky business, top gun, and Jerry Maguire.
By far his best role though was in Tropic Thunder. Who knew he was a top tier comedic actor?

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I enjoyed his War of the Worlds adaptation for the most part.

Me too.

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Top Gun obvi

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When's the sequel being released?

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>Going down vertically in 80+ mph
Ngl that fucking road scares the shit out of me.

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>set in 2054
By then the only minorities are white people

>his best role though was in Tropic Thunder

>By far his best role though was in Tropic Thunder. Who knew he was a top tier comedic actor?
No, his best role was in Magnolia
>Respect the COCK!

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