
Didn't know John Cena was such a good actor. This is miles above any Marvel TV shows.

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I've watched the first three episodes, I think its the most anti white show Hollywood has ever produced.

They literally spout "kill white people" several time and one of the MC is proud that he's killed "mainly white people".

Peacemaker also get convinced by the indian who mops the floor that he needs to kill more white people (I'm not kidding, they have this exact conversation).

Main character is a lesbian obese black woman (Amanda waller's daughter)

Episode 3 start with the main characters stating that "climate change is not a hoax"

Fuck off shill.

It's a subtle jab at woke culture. They have to reiterate that minor plot point a few times so that slow people can eventually get in on the joke too.

A lot of that humor I'm fine with. The only thing that really rubs me wrong is that the main villain for probably next season is being set up to be his dad who is just a stand in for what liberals think of conservatives.

They are making fun of woke culture.
Sounds like a lot of the dialogue in this show just went over your head.

Fuck pedo kike gunn

Is HBO paying you shills to shill this woke garbage or do you do it for free?

>I-I-I-I-t isn’t Woke Propaganda!!! It is just being ironic! Yeah! That’s it! Please watch my boss’s show!

It is just like HBO Watchmen all over again.

What 0 sense of humor does to a muhfucka

Any prerequisite viewing for this?

Free. It's good.

The Suicide Squad (2021). Not super important but will introduce you to the titular character.

Watchmen didn't do it ironically.

>Crap! The user found out my company’s show is cringe woke garbage. How do I spin this? Hmmmm….I know! I’ll make up a lie and say that the show is just pretending to be garbage woke propaganda! That will get us views!

AT&T doesn’t pay you enough.

Suicide Squad 2021

That is why you shills claimed otherwise.

k retard.
Regardless your beliefs it's a good show.

Can you skip the first Suicide Squad? I heard it wasnt particularly good.

yes you can skip it. better if you do honestly.

It is ironic. If it were anymore on the nose it would be too obvious and ruin any kind of comedy they could be going for.
The only "unironic" wokeness is I guess the fact that there's a black lesbian character, but it's not paraded as some kind of virtue people should have.

>Please watch our woke propaganda, goy! All the anti-white scenes are just being ironic!

>literally "WOKE" personified
and yet somehow, i dont really hate her and kinda enjoy her character, how did they manage to not make her absolutely annoying?

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Left is for adults and right is for children

Obviously it is. You don't have to watch it though. I personally rate it merely as "ok".

because she's the only character who acts like a normal person so she's essentially the audience surrogate

>R rated, not MCU, based on a D-list character nobody has ever heard of
of course it was never going to do as well as hawkeye