Why hasn't there been any Enron kinos in the same way that there have been wolf of wallstreet kinos

Why hasn't there been any Enron kinos in the same way that there have been wolf of wallstreet kinos

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Because they'll take you to court to the point where you will have nothing left with which to win your case.

Because it would be massively embarrassing to tons of people, and not just wall street insiders.

Everyone with a brain in Houston knew Enron was doing funky shit even back in the late 90s. But idiots believed their scam.

Was this any good?

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Tesla is the Enron of today.

Except that Tesla doesn't even bother lying about their debt ratio.

Up until a few years ago the highest valued company in the world made cell phones and only controlled 14% of the market.

this is one of my favorite docs

That's a sexy logo

It would be great, because it’s incredible how blatant they were with their corrupt shit and yet no one ever did a thing to them.

Unironically worth watching.

Mr. Robot. Somewhat related.

>During an interview on Google, Sam Esmail, the creator of the the series, stated that E Corp's logo is actually the Enron logo.

Attached: mr robot e corp.png (2874x1520, 2.56M)

there was fun with dick and jane.

pretty sure the official stance is not to ask any questions about why a corporation was able to sick the USA on the middle east like an attack dog

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Enron traded energy futures in the USA moron.

and where do energy futures come from...

Really good watch

Traders betting on the future of energy reserves. It has nothing to do with whatever oil you think we stole from Iraq.

The company you are actually thinking of, the one that Cheney was the CEO of, halliburton, they got massive contracts to help pump the oil that belongs to the Iraqi government. And yeah sure I think that is shady as fuck. But that is a completely different company from Houston. Halliburton. Not Enron. Enron was trying to be the wall street of energy trading.

>energy has nothing to do with oil

The price of american oil is not all that tied to the price of Arabian oil. Believe it or not, america was 96% energy independent in 1999 and the other 4% came from Canada. We are an exporter now. We would have made more money if the price of oil went up.

>the price of oil is not tied to the supply of oil

>Why hasn't there been any Enron kinos in the same way that there have been wolf of wallstreet kinos
They really want people to forget in a cultural sense but not in a namedropped by news talking head sort of way. That's why the most you get is the film Fun with Dick & Jane.

About that though. It has based Jim Carrey, but it also has Adam Baldwin ("Trump" SNL) and Tea Leoni who stars in a show larping as Hillary but not in name. The point is that back in '05 they were already seeing who they can get to rewrite how people see events culturally. The fiction in the film of how the characters right the wrong committed by not-Enron could never happen and obviously didn't.