I think people forget how fucking fast tobey is in this fight

I think people forget how fucking fast tobey is in this fight.
If you pay attention, there’s plenty of scenes where tobey is moving at insane speed.
Losing the ring, having a fight, then catching up with the ring on the way down.

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Yeah Rami Peter is a fucking power house

He also need an incredible sense of perception to know the exact spot at which to catch it.

Super speed applies to thoughts too

He really caught all the food on the tray in the cafeteria scene. He’s a freak of nature.


The train fight scene still gets me on edge including when he slows it down

Movie didn't need 3 villains; Topher's Venom needed more screen time. His Eddie Brock was annoying, but once he got the Symbiote he deserved a lot more screen time.

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I think the biggest problem with his Venom is that he isn’t beefy at all, just looks like Peter with teeth.
That part where Peter does that sound trap on him is fucking great though.

Lmao people discussing capeshit is so cringey

>Superhero X is amazing because he has superpowers!!

He’s not a real person who actually did those things. How are you impressed?

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>Raimi Spider-Man
>not a real person
Not surprising coming from le atheism show poster

because they wrote the character that way

You can apply that to anything you don't like

You know CGI didn't exist at that time? Tobey Maguire had to make all the stunts.

Venom is still more muscular than Spider-Man.

The scene where he crawls along the wall and talks to Sandman was great; they should have not done the Goblin Jr arc and have Symbiote Eddie act as Peters foil.

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I liked him
You're right but I think they went too far with the Tom Hardy movies. Venom is supposed to be a tall burly guy but not fucking 10 ft with Hulk-like muscles

>an incredible sense of perception


>they should have not done the Goblin Jr arc

In this shot he looks like McFarlane's Venom

That was for real?